Water and Chesapeake Bay


Improving water quality through stormwater management and watershed restoration techniques.

Calvert County is one of the southernmost counties in the state of Maryland and is bordered on three sides by the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.  All land in the county lies within a mile of these waters and every use impacts directly on the Watershed.

Watershed Restoration Specialists work with local and state governments, watershed organizations, and community groups in Maryland to build partnerships, identify funding sources, and advise/assist in the planning, implementation and monitoring of restoration projects. Specialists facilitate measurable reductions in water pollution in the following ways:

  • Classes and workshops teach homeowners how to improve water quality in their own backyard with practices like rain barrels, rain gardens, and tree planting.
  • Technical Assistance Programs help communities address Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) regulations and requirements.
  • Watershed Restoration Projects emerge from collaborative partnerships and effective funding techniques to reduce nutrient and sediment loads.
  • Watershed Restoration Specialists also connect watershed science to policy makers and community leaders to make the most effective water quality decisions.

Learn more about the Maryland Extension Watershed Protection and Restoration Program.

More Information

Asbury Solomons Rain Garden Dedication

October 22, 2021 - Asbury Solomons presented a dedication for the rain garden completed by the inaugural class of Stewards within the Calvert County Watershed Stewards Academy as part of their participation within the program. The rain garden was a wonderful opportunity for our Stewards to gain hands-on experience with installing stormwater best management practices, and a positive solution for the residents of Asbury who no longer have to skirt around a large puddle or ice patch on their heavily used walking path.

Programs & Workshops Provided:

Calvert County Watershed Steward Academy


Calling all community leaders! 

Are you looking to improve local water quality? The Watershed Stewards Academy (WSA) is a great opportunity to learn how to solve stormwater problems in your community and to join a local network of energized leaders.

Calvert WSA

Thank you for your interest in joining the Calvert County Watershed Stewards Academy!

Visit Watershed Stewards Academy for information about current WSA programs.

For more information, contact Caroline DiGiovanni at cdigiova@umd.edu or 240-309-4189.

Please visit the Calvert County WSA webpage for more information and/or fill out the form below to be notified when details about the next course are available. 

I'm interested in learning more about the Calvert County WSA!

Interested in being a host site for a workshop? Needs for a Rain Barrel Workshop space:


  • Location must be in Calvert or St. Mary’s County

  • Hosting facility must allow the workshop to be open to all  

  • Hosting facility should allow use of the space free of charge 

  • Seating capacity should be minimal of 30 and have chairs available on site

  • Parking to accommodate 20-30 vehicles 

  • An appropriate surface to project a digital presentation such as a plain white wall

  • Space should be indoors and access to electric is required

  • Access to the internet is not required

  • Space for secure overnight storage of 20-50 rain barrels (barrels are 55 gallon plastic drums with dimensions of 2 feet in diameter by 3 feet tall), delivery of barrels to site will be the day prior to date of workshop

In addition to the above requirements for a workshop space a minimum of 3 months lead time is required for workshop planning. If you are interested in hosting a workshop in your community contact Caroline DiGiovanni for more information. Email at cdigiova@umd.edu or 240-309-4189


If you are interested in attending a future rain barrel workshop sign up for notifications using this google form:


If you would like to view a recording from a previous rain barrel workshop you can follow this link:


More info coming soon!

In the meantime, please consider checking out this publication on cleaning Maryland’s waterways one rain garden at a time, by Sandy Coyman, and Keota Silaphone, Updated: May 11, 2021. This new and improved “how-to” manual discusses the benefits of incorporating multiple small-scale practices into a rain garden design.

Download Publication

Learning to maintain your well and septic system is easy.

Schedule and attend a seminar!

What is the Backyard Buffer Program?

The Backyard Buffer program is supported by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, and provides Calvert County homeowners free tree seedlings to create a native woodland buffer in their backyard. It is intended for landowners who have a drainage ditch, stream, creek, or river flowing through their property, or live adjacent to such a waterway. This program is for smaller landowners who are not eligible for agriculture cost-share programs. 

More Information about Maryland DNR's Backyard Buffer program

What is a forest buffer?

A forest buffer is an area of vegetation (trees and shrubs) that slow the flow of stormwater runoff, trapping sediment and allowing polluted water to soak into the soil before reaching our waterways.

More Information about Chesapeake Bay Program

What is in a "buffer in a bag"?

The bag includes native tree and shrub, bare-root seedlings, approximately 1-2 feet in height. The species included in the bundles will vary from year to year. 

How do I get my bundle?

Sign ups for the spring 2025 program begin mid February. Sign ups will remain open until filled or the distribution date in early to mid April. Follow the link for the sign up form. On the form you will find program details, bundle information and anticipated pick up date/locations. If you have questions after reviewing the form or need assistance signing up you may contact Caroline DiGiovanni, scroll down for contact information. 

CLICK HERE for the Calvert County Sign Up Form

Thank you for your interest in the Backyard Buffer Program! 


Caroline DiGiovanni

Watershed Restoration Educator

