Agriculture and Natural Resources


Please contact the UME Calvert office for information regarding programs to the county's agriculture community and natural resources topics. Agriculture Programs focus on issues which include:

  • Agricultural Production
  • Water Quality
  • Marketing
  • Integrated Pest Management
  • Land and Soil Resources

Special annual programs include the Southern Maryland Crops Conference, the Southern Maryland Vegetable Conference and the Upper Marlboro Ag Field Day. Certification classes for private pesticide applicators are conducted several times a year.

Position Announcements:

This carefully curated schedule of events is solely dedicated to topics related to sustainability and the role of agriculture in environmental, social, and economic issues, with a heavy emphasis on the food we consume in our everyday lives. The series is part of our strategic initiative, Establish a Healthy Food System and Ensure Global Food and Nutritional SecurityThis year's lecture series is centered around topics of food security and equity, with a theme of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect for all in sustainable agriculture.

Sustainable Food Systems Lecture Series Recordings

Branching Out newsletter masthead

Branching Out, Maryland's Forest Stewardship Education newsletter, is published four times per year by University of Maryland Extension. Branching Out provides educational information and current news and events, and is intended to reach anyone interested in forest stewardship including landowners and natural resource professionals.

Read the latest issue of the Branching Out newsletter here.

We encourage you to share this free newsletter with others and to invite them to subscribe here.

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