Preventing Outbreaks of Avian Influenza Through Science-Based Education: Commercial Poultry Farmers
Commercial Poultry Farmer (English)
Commercial Poultry Farmer (Chinese)
Commercial Poultry Farmer (Korean)
Commercial Poultry Farmer (Vietnamese)
Commercial Poultry Farmers (Spanish)
Preventing Outbreaks of Avian Influenza Through Science-Based Education: Backyard Poultry
Backyard Poultry (English)
Backyard Poultry (Chinese)
Backyard Poultry (Spanish)
Backyard Poultry (Korean)
Backyard Poultry (Vietnamese)
Preventing Outbreaks of Avian Influenza Through Science-Based Education: Technical Service Personnel
Technical Service Personnel (English)
Technical Service Personnel (Chinese)
Technical Service Personnel (Spanish)
Technical Service Personnel (Korean)
Technical Service Personnel (Vietnamese)
Avian Influenza Warning Discussion (Recording)
Poultry Biosecurity - A Couple of Chances to Outreach
Practical Biosecurity BMP for Broiler Growers
![YouTube The Poultry Podcast Show pic](/
"Better Safe Than Sorry: The Role of Biosecurity in Poultry" is the topic on The Poultry Podcast Show with Dr. Kate Meloche interviewing Dr. Jon Moyle
Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket - Raising Laying Hens/Handling Eggs
Maegan Perdue, Agent Associate, Worcester Co. Extension, Maryland, gives a talk on how to handle your eggs when raising laying hens in Backyard Farming. Her presentation begins at 1:25 into the video
Backyard Farming Zoom Sessions - Video Series
Poultry 911
Poopology 101
Pooper Scoopin'
Manure and Mortalities
Keeping Your Flock Healthy Click Here for Video
Feed quality, health, biosecurity, etc. (Feb. 2, 2024)
Mixing and Making Your Own Feed Click Here for Video
Is it right for me? (Feb. 9, 2024)
Pasture Poultry Basics Click Here for Video
Advantages and Disadvantages of Raising Poultry on Pasture (Feb. 16, 2024)