4H Volunteer

A 4-H Club Leader:

  • Is an adult volunteer who enjoys working with youth between the ages of 5-18 years of age in a club atmosphere. Club members elect officers, plan a yearly program, take part in community service activities, and work on 4-H projects in their clubs, at workshops, or on their own.
  • A 4-H club Leader serves as an advisory and mentor to the members. Your tasks as a leader will vary according to the interest of the members, the time you can give, and the commitment of your member's parents.
  • Regular club meetings are usually held monthly or bi-monthly to conduct club business, plan events, and do project demonstrations.
  • 4-H Volunteers will receive training and support from the local 4-H Office when starting a club. This support and training will continue throughout the years as a 4-H Club Leader.
  • Our goal as Leaders and Extension Educators is to help young people become mature, competent, and responsible young adults. We aim to provide educational experiences that promote mental, physical, and social growth. A 4-H Volunteer
  • A 4-H Volunteer does not have to be a club leader or parent of a 4H member. They can be from the community. Adults who wish to share talents and experiences, or college students wishing to work more closely with younger children can volunteer their services.
  • 4-H Volunteers, Club members, Club leaders, and parents can all have FUN together. Everyone gets involved when it comes to "hands-on" learning opportunities. Volunteers share in the laughs and smiles as the members feel successful and gain confidence in their work.
  • Life skills are developed. Volunteers help members develop skills that will help them succeed in their future endeavors. Volunteers can us 4-H projects to help youth develop good decision-making skills, recordkeeping, responsibility, time-management, public speaking and more.
  • Special programs can also be fun. Spend time teaching how to preserve tomatoes, make bread, take a perfect picture, make a rocker, or sew a dress. Project interest programs are also offered for sheep, beef, swine, goats, and dog obedience--if you have an interest in assisting these areas. Volunteer adults from the community are always needed. If interested in this opportunity, feel free to volunteer.
  • Volunteers and Leaders can help youth in:
  • Demonstrations - Sharing what they know with each other.
  • Judging - the 4-H member is the Judge! This teaches standards, judgment, quality recognition and more.
  • Club Tours - Clubs plan visits to project related businesses, learning the "how's and why's" of an operation.

4-H Volunteer Forms:

4-H Volunteer Activity Log

Fundraiser Approval Request Form

Volunteer Application

Club Officer Forms:

Secretary - Officer's Workbook

Reporter - News Form

Treasurer - Monthly Club Report


Record books are an important part of your experience with 4-H.  These books help identify the areas you've been working on all year long.  As you add more projects, your record book tracks your progress.  Here are the Record Book Guidelines to help you organize and complete this year's activities. 


Find the Maryland 4-H Record Book forms at these links under 4-H Youth Forms and Resources:

Basic 4-H Record Book (with 1 general project record form)

My 4-H Story

Summary Record forms format options:

Project Record (General) forms format options:

Animal Science Project Forms:

Maryland 4-H Animal Science Records State Award Program 

Maryland 4-H Animal Science Records State Award Program Guide - 

To submit, login into Maryland 4-H Online, under the events tab search for "State 4-H Animal Science Record Book Contest" to upload your 3 forms. The portal will be open from September 25th through October 25th. 

Maryland 4-H Animal Science Records Awards - Submission Helpsheet 

Maryland 4-H Animal Science Records State Award Program Essay Scoresheet 

Senior Leadership Trips

​​​​​​​Applications are now being accepted for senior 4-H members to serve as Maryland 4-H Delegates to these 2025 4-H Leadership Conferences:

  • National 4-H Congress - November 2025, Atlanta GA

  • National Leadership Conference at Camp Miniwanca - June 2025, Shelby MI

  • Virginia 4-H Congress - June 2025, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg VA

  • West Virginia 4-H Older Members Conference - June 2025, Jacksons Mill, WV

Eligible 4-H members may submit their application through the 2025 National 4-H Leadership Trips application event in 4-H Online.  Applications are accepted from November 15, 2024 through January 15, 2025.  

4-Hers are strongly encouraged to submit their applications before December 15, 2024.  4-H Online will be closed from December 15, 2024, until the first week of January 2025 to prepare for the new Maryland 4-H enrollment year.  4-Hers who wait to submit their Leadership Trips application in January will have to enroll for 2025 before they will be able to submit their application in 4-H Online.

To be considered to represent Maryland 4-H as a Delegate to a 2025 4-H Leadership event, a 4-H member must:

  • Be between the ages of 14 and 18 as of January 1, 2025 (senior 4-H age).

  • Be enrolled in the Maryland 4-H program.

  • Submit a 4-H Portfolio for evaluation.

  • Be nominated by their 4-H Educator (based on 4-H Portfolio).

  • Participate in a Delegate interview.

Senior 4-H members may serve as Delegates for a total of three leadership trips in their 4-H career. Senior 4-Hers may attend each leadership trip only once and may attend no more than one leadership trip each 4-H (calendar) year.

Applicants will be required to submit a 4-H Portfolio as part of their application in 4-H Online.  The 4-H Portfolio consists of two items:

  • 4-H Resume

  • 4-H Essay

The 4-H Essay topic for this Delegate application is “Describe how one of your project areas has influenced your life outside of 4-H."

 You can find more information about Maryland 4-H Leadership Trips on the Maryland 4-H website.  Contact your local 4-H office if you have questions about your eligibility or how to apply for this opportunity.



Registration Forms:
4-H Animal Identification Cards:


St. Mary's County Outstanding 4-Her of the Year Check List

St. Mary's County Outstanding Livestock Exhibitor Form

St. Mary's County Outstanding Horse Exhibitor Form

St. Mary's County Outstanding Poultry Form

St. Mary's County Outstanding Rabbit Form