4-H'ers Enjoy Camp Miniwanca Leadership Trip
“Camp Miniwanca is a week-long camp filled with community, collaboration, and self-growth, all on a lakefront resort. There are so many inspirational people who encourage each other to bring out their best, most authentic selves. Challenge-by-choice principles give campers the opportunity to step up into leadership roles. The camp also sets time for reflection upon one’s character and who they want to be. I had such an amazing time at this camp and met so many amazing people. I believe that I brought so many lessons and principles back to Maryland. I would highly recommend 4-Hers to take the opportunity and go to this camp.” ~ Claire, a Charles County 4-H'er, represented Maryland at one of the National Leadership Trip
What is 4-H?
4-H provides learn-by-doing educational opportunities for youth that will enable them to become the leaders of tomorrow. 4-H is the youth arm of the University of Maryland Extension, a joint venture with U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Charles County government. 4-H is in every state, D.C. and in military bases around the world.
4-H At A Glance
The 4-H Emblem:

The H on each leaf stands for: Head, Heart, Hands and Health
4-H Colors: Green and White
4-H Slogan: "Learn by Doing"
4-H Moto: "To Make the Best Better"
Members, ages 5-18, participate in fun, hands-on learning activities supported by the latest research of land-grant universities that are focused on three areas: healthy living, citizenship, and science.
The 4-H Voice Newsletter is sent to all members and volunteers enrolled in the Charles County 4-H program. The newsletter informs members and their families of upcoming events and deadlines for major activities. The newsletter contains brief highlights of information and announcements, so attending club meetings and project groups is very important to obtain detailed communications.
Voice, January-March 2025
Voice, November/December 2024
Voice, January 2024
Calvary- meets in Waldorf
Country Clovers - meets in Bel Alton
Creative Critters - meets in Waldorf
Farmers Fortune - meets in Chapel Point
Horsemasters - meets in La Plata
Hot Shots - meets in Newburg
Little Rascals - meets in Nanjemoy
Rabbit Club - meets in Dentsville
Rebels - meets in Hughesville
Who Can Join? Girls and boys ages 8-18, or Clover member ages 5-7. Clovers are non-competitive.
4-H enrollment year is January thru December.
How Do I Join? Send an email to Donna Mohler at dmohler@umd.edu or call her at 301-934-5403. For more information, contact your local 4-H Staff:
Kelly Bryant, kmbryant@umd.edu
Bonnie Boyden, bboyden@umd.edu
Jeanne Williams, jeanneh@umd.edu
Mikayla Johnson, mdiane@und.edu
***Our enrollment system is BRAND NEW! Maryland 4-H uses an online member management system called 4-H Online. These guides have been prepared to assist families in creating member profiles and enrolling in 4-H using the 4-H Online system. Contact Donna Mohler, dmohler@umd.edu for more information. A link to access enrollment, and re-enrollment, is available here: 4-H Online 2.0
*A guide for YOUTH MEMBER ENROLLMENT is available.
*A guide for ADULT VOLUNTEER ENROLLMENT is available.