Welcome to the 4-H Youth and Adult Leadership website
"Leadership" is "a broad concept related to the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and aspirations utilized by one or more persons in influencing, motivating, inspiring and otherwise causing desired actions and reactions by others." "Leadership development experiences" are similarly defined as "any learning experiences or background gained by individuals which facilitate the development of leadership."
Leadership and positive development occur when youth participate in intrinsically motivating activities taught by caring and competent adults, develop meaningful relationships with peers, and learn skills important for managing life situations. The 4-H program identifies short-term and intermediate results for individuals, families, and communities. These lead to long-term outcomes for young people.
"A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
If just one person believes in you
Deep enough and strong enough
Believes in you hard enough and long enough
Before you know it, someone else would think, "If he can do it, I can do it."
Making it two.
Two whole people who believe in you.
And maybe even you can believe in yourself too.
-Robin and the Muppet Gang, from "It's Not Easy Being Green and Other Things to Consider"