Welcome to the website of the Howard County Master Gardeners.  The mission of the Howard County Master Gardeners is to educate residents about safe, effective, and sustainable horticultural practices that build healthy gardens, landscapes, and communities. The Master Gardener program is administered by the University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Service.

Howard County Master Gardeners are volunteers, trained by the university, who provide horticultural education services to individuals, groups, and communities including government agencies, neighborhood associations, non-profit organizations, historic sites, schools and youth groups, senior citizens and garden clubs. Master Gardener programs and services are available free of charge to all Howard County residents and community groups.

The Howard County Master Gardener program is currently without a Coordinator. For any Howard County Master Gardener program specific inquiries please contact, Kathy Hartley (hcmgwebmaster@gmail.com). If you are interested in an upcoming Howard County Master Gardener Training, please contact Betty Rice (bettyrice@aol.com).  For any general questions about the University of Maryland Master Gardener program, please reach out to the MG State Office (statemg@umd.edu). Thank you.


Do you have a topic about which you and your group would like to learn more?  If so, Howard County Master Gardeners are available to speak to garden clubs, community associations, libraries, civic groups, businesses, and other community organizations on a wide range of home-gardening topics.  Our latest Catalog of Presentations can be found here.  If you wish to schedule a talk, please contact (hocomdmg.publiced@gmail.com).  Thank you.

Upcoming Events (see calendar for full details)

Master Gardener Public Talks

Master Gardener Calendar

Date Time Presentation Presenter Location
2/11/2025 11:00 AM 1001 Worms Eat My Garbage: Barbara Schmeckpeper Ellicott City 50+ Center
2/13/2025 Noon Gardening in a Warming Climate Christine Hipple

Longfellow Garden Club

*Text or call Gil Conner @

410.707.5909 to RSVP

2/18/2025 7:00-8:00 PM
Trees: Selection, Planting and Care Linda Decker Elkridge Library
2/20/2025 7:00-8:00 PM Flowers and Vegetables can thrive in Containers Ruth Vriend Riverhill Community Association
2/22/2025 11:00 AM-Noon Plant This Not That Christine Hipple Savage Library
2/25/2025 7:00-8:30 PM Four Keys to Happy Houseplants Christine Hipple Kings Contrivance Village Association
2/28/2025 10:30 AM Getting Your Garden Ready for Spring Paul Bearas North Laurel 50+ Center
3/8/2025 11:00 AM Celebrating the Joy of Maryland Spring Flowers Ann Coren Elkridge Library
3/11/2025 11:00 AM Getting Your Garden Ready for Spring Paul Beares Ellicott City 50+ Center
3/12/2025 1:00 PM Getting Your Garden Ready for Spring Paul Beares Savage Library
3/13/2025 Noon-1:30 PM Native Ferns for Various Growing Conditions Judy Fulton Longfellow Garden Club
3/19/2025 11:00-Noon Getting Your Garden Ready for Spring Paul Beares Bain 50+ Center

More details are available on the MG calendar