The Magruder-Bussard farmstead is located on the Agricultural History Farm Park.

The Agricultural History Farm Park

The Montgomery County UMD Extension office in Derwood Maryland is located on the Magruder-Bussard farmstead, a 455-acre Agricultural History Farm Park. Past farming practices are presented to the public in a historic farmhouse, barn, and historic farm buildings. Programs include several annual events such as Harvest Days in October.  

In addition to UME, the grounds are also home to the County Office of Agriculture, the Farm Services Agency, and the Soil Conservation District.

MoCo Ag Facts

  • Montgomery County's diverse agricultural industry is home to 583 farms employing over 10,000 people.
  • The market value of products sold in the County is $70,914,000! 

Commodity Grain Production

  • Grain farms (corn, wheat, soybeans, and barley) comprise 45,543 acres.
  • Much of the grain production supports Maryland’s poultry industry on the Eastern Shore and other regional livestock production.
  • Wheat produced in MoCo is made into cookies, crackers, cakes, and bread products.
  • Corn may go toward ethanol production, and some barley is now going to local breweries for the production of beer.


  • With a market value of $26,725,000, the Montgomery County horticultural industry ranks fourth in the State!
  • Horticultural enterprises include nurseries, landscaping/lawn care companies, floriculture, arborists, sod farms, and greenhouse businesses.


  • Montgomery County is home to approximately 2,800 horses, used for recreation, breeding, training, and sales - which exceeds the population of all other livestock combined!


  • 228 livestock farming operations in MoCo raising beef, dairy, sheep, goats, poultry, hogs & pigs.
  • Local dairy and meat products can be found at on-farm markets, regional city farmers markets, through community-supported agriculture (CSA) subscriptions, or at local retailers.

Food Producers

  • Over 330 farms, produce table food in MoCo.
  • Selling market value of $3,262,000 for vegetables, melons, potatoes, and sweet potatoes - the County ranks ninth in the state!
  • The County's food producers are essential and continue to play a vital role in providing fresh, local food to residents including those in need through the Farm 2 Foodbank program.   

Environmental Data

  • Best Management Practices (BMP) by Montgomery County Farmers. These practices help the County's agricultural sector meet its Watershed Implementation (WIP) goals as mandated by the Maryland Department of the Environment.
  • BMPs have the co-benefit of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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