Horse Pasture Management

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Updated: May 30, 2023

Know Your Foxtails (FS-2023-0658)

Yellow, green, and giant foxtail are the three most common weedy foxtail species in Maryland. Knowing the differences between foxtail species and look-alike grassy weeds can assist with identification, and the selection of effective weed management strategies. Title: Know Your Foxtails (FS-2023-0658); Authors: Dwayne D. Joseph, and Leo Kerner
Updated: March 5, 2021

Development of an Equine Rotational Grazing Demonstration Site for Extension Education

Improper management of grazing horses can lead to the loss of vegetative cover, soil erosion and nutrient run-off into nearby water sources . An example of poor grazing management is to allow horses to continuously overgraze pasture without allowing for rest and regrowth of the plants. Best management practices (BMPs) are practices that farm operators can use to control and reduce the farm’s risk of negatively impacting the surrounding environment.