Bushy Pondweed - Texas A&M University

Bushy Pondweed - Photo credit: Texas A&M University

Updated: November 29, 2022
By Reginal M. Harrell , and John N. Hochheimer

Bushy Pondweed

Bushy pondweeds (Najas spp.) are rooted annual slender plants with branching stems. There are four species of the bushy pondweeds, or naiads as they are otherwise known, in Maryland. These four species include Southern naiad, or the plant most commonly known as bushy pondweed (N. guadalupensis); N. minor which has no common name; Northern naiad (N. flexilis); and slender naiad (N.gracillima), which is rare in Maryland. There is a marine naiad (N. marina), but it has not yet been reported in the state.

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