Showing 361-370 of 376 publications
Updated: January 5, 2021
A Producer's Guide to Meat and Poultry Processing Regulations in Maryland (EB-372)
This 13-page guide is intended to assist farmers, growers, and their advisors in understanding the regulations affecting the processing and marketing of meat and poultry products in Maryland. This guide also contains information on labeling, marketing, risk management, and regulatory exemptions. By Ginger S. Myers, Director, Maryland Enterprise Development Center and Extension Specialist, University of Maryland Extension. Reviewers: Diane Hirsh, University of Connecticut Extension,
Updated: January 22, 2021
Niche Marketing—Outside of the Box, but in the Black (FS-846)
Niche Marketing - Out of the Box but in the Black fact sheet will help you explore the Niche Market and how to go about increasing your food dollar and return per unit sold. By Ginger S. Myers, Marketing Specialist, University of Maryland Extension and Director of the Maryland Rural Enterprise Development Center.
Updated: January 15, 2021
2008 Maryland Vegetable Enterprise Budgets
Enterprise budgets provide invaluable information regarding individual enterprises on the farm. This tool
enables the farm manager to make decisions regarding enterprises and plan for the coming production year.
The enterprise budget uses farm revenue, variable cost, fixed cost and net income to provide a clear picture
of the financial health of each farm enterprise. The 2008 Maryland enterprise budgets were developed using
average yields and estimated input cost based upon producer and farm supplier data. The figures presented are
averages and vary greatly from one farm to the other. It is therefore crucial to input actual farm data to complete
enterprise budgets for your farm.
Updated: February 7, 2021
You and The Chesapeake Bay: Farm Animal Welfare
The AVMA, as a medical authority for the health and welfare of animals, offers the following eight integrated principles for developing and evaluating animal welfare policies, resolutions, and actions.
Updated: October 22, 2024
2009-2010 Pest Management Recommendations for Field Crops
This bulletin is divided into three sections - disease and nematode control, insect
control, and weed control. The recommendations are listed according to crop and
then pest. In the table of recommendations given under each crop, the pesticide
recommendations are given in units (pints, pounds, and so forth) of commercial
products. In most cases, the amount of active ingredient to be applied is given.
This information will be useful if the pesticide is commercially available at
different concentrations. If a pesticide concentration differs from that
recommended, determine the amount of a given formulation you need to use to
apply the pesticide at the recommended rate. For example, if the recommended
rate is 1 pound of active ingredient, then you should use 2 pounds of a 50
percent, wettable-powder formulation. If the formulation is a liquid, you must
know the pounds of active ingredient per gallon to make this calculation.
Updated: February 15, 2021
Using Commercial Deer Repellents to Manage Deer Browsing in the Landscape
Damage to ornamental plants by white-tailed deer has increased dramatically over recent years. Deer damage to home landscapes and gardens is the number one complaint in suburban areas. An integrated approach to deer damage management can often be the most optimal way to deal with the problem. Using any one or a combination of strategies including population management, fencing, vegetation management, and commercial repellents or scare tactics is the best approach to minimize negative impacts from deer. Commercial deer repellents have become increasingly popular with residential homeowners as a means of keeping deer damage at tolerable levels.
Updated: July 27, 2022
Reducing Vole Damage to Plants in Landscapes, Orchards and Nurseries (FS-654)
Voles are small mouselike rodents. In Maryland, two species, the meadow vole and the pine vole, eat roots, bark, and bulbs; even at low population levels, they cause significant damage to forest plantations, orchards, nurseries, and landscapes. This fact sheet explains how to identify these injurious rodents and provides information on vole biology and management for forest plantations.
Updated: November 21, 2022
Saving Your Soil and the Chesapeake Bay (FS-704)
The topsoil on your property is a valuable resource and the foundation for a healthy landscape. Loss of soil through erosion can mean trouble, not only for your landscape, but for local streams and rivers and the Chesapeake Bay. If you are losing soil from your property, there are several things you can do to stop it.
Updated: January 27, 2021
Resistance of Ornamentals to Deer Damage (FS-655)
Damage to ornamental plants by white-tailed deer continues to increase. The increase is attributed to rising deer populations, human populations shifting to rural and suburban homesites, loss of deer habitat, and landowner decisions to prevent deer hunting. This fact sheet provides landowners with an overview of plants that may reduce or eliminate costly deer browsing.
Updated: February 4, 2021
Managing Deer Damage in Maryland (EB-354)
The white-tailed deer is of great economic and aesthetic importance to Maryland citizens. But an overpopulation of deer can result in negative consequences, such as damaged crops, landscapes, and forests, and safety concerns due to deer vehicle collisions and Lyme disease. State, local and private groups all have a stake in helping to manage the state's deer population.