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Updated: June 29, 2022

How Can Growers Determine Apple Fruit Maturity and Optimal Harvest Dates? (FS-1180)

Independent of the target market of your apples, estimating optimum harvest dates is critical not only for scheduling labor, but also to ensure a high-quality product. Author: Macarena Farcuh; Title: How Can Growers Determine Apple Fruit Maturity and Optimal Harvest Dates? (FS-1180)
Updated: March 17, 2022

Fruit Texture and the Science Behind It (FS-1189)

Attaining the optimal fruit texture is a challenge all growers must face in order to maximize consumer acceptability. Fruit texture, and particularly flesh firmness, is an important maturity index, in combination with other quality parameters. Learning how to measure fruit texture and what factors that affect it is an integral part of orchard management. Authors: Macarena Farcuh, Cameron McPherson. Title: Fruit Texture and the Science Behind It (FS-1189)