Most Maryland residents live within a half-mile of a storm drain, stream or river that will drain into the Chesapeake Bay. What we do to maintain our landscapes can affect the health of our local waterways, the Chesapeake Bay, and our environment. By changing a few simple landscape practices, you and your family can help keep Maryland communities healthy. Master Gardeners can help you learn about sustainable landscape practices and conduct one-on-one site visits for the UME Bay-Wise Maryland Yardstick Certifications!
During Bay-Wise programming, Master Gardeners educate the public about Bay-Wise landscape management best practices and conduct one-on-one site visits at private/public properties to help qualify the properties for the following certifications: UME Bay-Wise Maryland Yardstick for Landscapes, UME Bay-Wise Maryland Yardstick for Vegetable Gardens, and UME Bay-Wise Maryland Yardstick for Small Space Urban Gardens, Townhouses, and Apartment Balconies. Please visit your local Master Gardener Program for local programming details. To learn more about the Bay-Wise Program, please visit the Bay-Wise homepage.
Interested in making your landscape more environmentally sound?
Follow these three steps to have your home landscape certified as Bay-Wise:
Download the appropriate MD Yardstick (for landscapes, food gardens, or small spaces) along with an application
Complete the MD Yardstick
Contact the Master Gardener program in your county to sign up for a site visit for certification. Do not submit your completed Yardstick and application before you contact your local Master Gardener Program.
Once the Master Gardeners certify your home landscape you may receive a small sign to display in your landscape and a certificate. Even if you do not have your landscape certified, you can still do plenty to reduce pollutants going into the Chesapeake Bay by following the suggestions in the MD Yardstick!