Learn how to grow healthy plants indoors and outdoors in Maryland, how to identify and manage problems while respecting the environment.

  • a bee at blue false indigo flowers

    Annuals, Perennials, Flowering Plants

    Annuals & perennials
    Bulbs & groundcovers
    Identify & manage problems

  • variety of indoor plants with different foliages

    Indoor Plants

    Selection & care
    Identify & manage problems

  • invasive oriental bittersweet vines

    Invasive Species

    What are invasive species
    How to identify them
    What to do about them

  • landscape design drawing

    Landscaping for the Home Garden

    Landscape planning
    Plant selection & care

  • house with a small front lawn and gardens

    Lawn Care for the Maryland Home Landscape

    Start & maintain a lawn
    Lawn challenges & alternatives
    Identify and manage weeds
    Organic lawn care

  • purple aster flowers and a monarch butterfly

    Native Plants for the Home Landscape

    What is a native plant?
    Why you should plant natives
    Recommended native plants

  • soil and a rake

    Soil, Compost, and Fertilizer for the Home Garden

    Soil testing
    Improving the soil
    Cover crops

  • saucer magnolia

    Trees and Shrubs

    Selection & care
    Buying & planting
    Identify & manage problems

  • crabgrass in a sidewalk


    Identify & manage common weeds
    Invasive plants
    Lawn weeds

  • american robin


    Attracting wildlife, how to identify and manage problems caused by wildlife in the yard and garden