About the Master Gardener Program

Master Gardeners Logo


Why Join the Program?

Do you enjoy gardening and want to share your knowledge by educating & volunteering in the community? Take this course to become a Maryland Master Gardener in Charles County! The sessions are taught by University of Maryland Extension specialists, educators and other horticulture professionals. Registration has closed for the 2023 basic training; the next course will be held in the spring of 2024.

By joining the program, you'll have the opportunity to learn new gardening skills as well as hone your existing skills. You'll also learn how to solve gardening problems, and be able to teach others to do the same. Best of all, you'll meet new people who enjoy gardening just as much as you do!

Who and How to Become a Master Gardener

Any Maryland resident, 18 years of age or older, who likes working with people and plants and has a thirst for knowledge.

Visit the State Page for steps on becoming a Master Gardener.

  • MG Volunteers
  • MG Class for Youth 2

Here are our Graduates!

Charles County Master Gardener Projects

What: NatureFest

When: May 2024

Project Leader:  Marlene Smith

Contact info:  nikhaven@comcast.net

NatureFest is an annual community event for Charles County children ages 4-12. Charles County Master Gardeners contribute plants and seeds, horticulture-related activities, and digital activity books and videos. The inaugural event was hosted by the Neighborhood Creative Arts Center at Tilghman Lake Park in La Plata and was attended by 297 individuals.           

University of Maryland Extension - Charles County YouTube channel

NCAC NatureFest 2023


For NatureFest 2021 digital content, please visit the following:

CCMG Website Resources (click on Just For Kids Activity Books and Videos)         


What: Nurture Natives

October 2022 was the inaugural tree and shrub giveaway. On April 29, 2023, Charles County Master Gardeners will once again partner with Nurture Natives at Maryland Day on the University of Maryland campus in College Park. Hundreds of free native shrubs and trees will be distributed to Maryland residents from 10 am – 4 pm.

In late 2021, NCAC, Charles County 4-H, and Charles County Master Gardeners were awarded a grant to train teen pollinator ambassadors. As part of that project, 18 teen ambassadors learned about the importance of pollinators, challenges they face, and ways they can be supported.  Teens used that knowledge to develop fun, interactive activities to teach younger children and adults about pollinators at schools, camps, and outreach events.  Through their efforts a total of 665 people; 447 youth and 218 adults learned about pollination. 

Download the Nurture Natives: A Guide to Invasive Species and their Native Look-Alikes


4-H Ambassadors working to give away native trees and shrubs to Charles County residents in hopes of reducing the number of invasive trees and shrubs. The Giveaway was held on October 15, 2022, at Tilghman Lake in La Plata Maryland.

When:  Plant sale held in May

Project Leader Name:  Terry Thir

Contact Info: thirccmg@aol.com

Annual fundraiser to create a fund for yearly MG projects and activities.  The MG plant sale is held at the La Plata Farmers Market on the 3rd Saturday of May.  MGs grow annual flowers, vegetables, and herbs by seed to sell.  We also sell all types of plants (houseplants, ornamentals and edibles, heirlooms, perennials, and annuals).

 When:  Upon Request

 Project Leader Name:  Vacant                       

MGs answer questions from area residents on a wide range of plant-related topics.  Residents may bring in samples of diseased plants for diagnosis or some with questions about their lawn or garden.  Master Gardeners also provide Extension brochures and information to clientele.  Plant clinics are held at the farmers markets and other public events.

Project Leader Name:  Rose Markham

Contact Information: rosemarkham@comcast.net

Invite a team of Charles County Bay-Wise Master Gardeners to your home to evaluate your landscape and give you advice about native plants, ways to control storm water runoff and other Bay-Wise information.

The Bay-Wise program is a landscape education program that focuses on water quality and conservation efforts in protecting Maryland waterways and the Chesapeake Bay.  It comprises a set of environmental topics, that when used in landscape management, protects the quality and quantity of the water in Maryland.  The program educates homeowners and businesses by providing a landscape yardstick and vegetable garden yardstick identifying best practices.  The landscape owner fills out the yardstick and an application.  The homeowner checks off and receives inches for following best practices.  If the homeowner reaches 36 inches, an appointment is made, and Bay-Wise master gardeners meet with the owner at the property and certify it as a Bay-Wise friendly landscape.  



When: Volunteers meet first Wednesday of the month April-October at 10:00 a.m.

Project Leader:  Rose Markham

Contact Information:  rosemarkham@comcast.net

This is a historic property.  Master Gardener installed and maintain the herbal garden which was commonly found in gardens in the 1800’s. MG also maintain the iris border, pruning, and garden clean-up.

When:  On-going

 Project Leader(s):      Terry Thir                         Kathleen Jenkins

 Contact Information: ThirCCMG@aol.com      kgjenkins@comcast.net

The Charles County Extension Service Demonstration Gardens is located on the front lawn of the UMD Extension Office in Bel Alton, Maryland.  Sections of the front lawn will include at least nine different gardens that incorporate a variety of themes and/or purposes.  The demonstration gardens will provide education for the public, including signage, tours, training, and information about the content of each garden.  One garden has been completed at this time, which is considered a Historical Garden, which was designed to mimic a riverside/costal spring landscape. We are currently working on a Bay-Wise demonstration garden and planning for the Native Pollinator Demonstration Garden. Future guided tours by a Master Gardener will be available to the public, schools, and other organizations.


When - Year round

Project Leader Name – Linda Bronson

Contact Info:  lindab20637@gmail.com

MGs work collaboratively with the Manager, Horticulture Therapy Programs, Melwood Horticultural Training Center. MGs assist with hands-on seasonally focused therapeutic horticulture activities with Melwood participants (and planning and/or teaching classes).  The activities range from learning about indoor plants and tropical fruits and healthy living skills in the winter months, to three-season outdoor gardening and pest control, simple production greenhouse skills, nature studies, creative expressions, seasonal eating to teaching basic horticulture skills and pre-vocational market gardening and landscaping. Program sessions take place predominantly at the Melwood Recreation Center in Nanjemoy. MD. May also take place at Melwood’s Waldorf campus location in Pinefield, at community garden partnership sites in Charles and PG counties, and in the DMV region through field trips. Indoor and outdoor classroom settings include outdoor vegetable and Pollinator gardens. The Melwood Recreation Center greenhouse, and indoor classrooms, activity areas and kitchens.   

When – As requested

Project Leaders Name:  Terry Thir, Gail Walker

Contact info: thirccmg@aol.com   gail.enid.walker@gmail.com

Come see Peter Rabbit, Mother Rabbit, Farmer McGregor, Ripley Rat, and other insect cast members role play the 40-minute puppet show.  We have been preforming this education puppet show for 4 years. This is an incredibly fun interactive puppet show that teaches elementary children about eating nutritious vegetables, how vegetables are grown, how they are used in recipes and foods they eat daily. A key lesson is also taught to listen to your parent’s instructions and stay out of Farmer McGregor’s vegetable garden.  Request for the puppet show are received from schools, homeschoolers, organizations, public libraries, and the county fair.


When:  As requested

Project Leader:  Carol Teets

Contact info:  carolnwbrg@aol.com

This project is dedicated to rebuilding & repairing homes of elderly, persons with disabilities and low-income residents.  MG Volunteers participate by pruning, planting, mulching, and sharing the proper methods of performing this task with other volunteers

When – April - October

Project Leader – Brent Burdick,

Phone and Email: B361220601@comcast.net

The project is to provide assistance to the Southern Food Bank & Outreach Services’ Community Learning Garden.  Their garden is used to demonstrate home gardening; to educate youth and other activity groups, to include home schoolers; and to harvest produce for use in their Food Truck operation and to provide fresh supplements to their pantry bags.  MGs and Interns provide advice and help to maintain the Community Learning Garden; plan and conduct education sessions; and assist in harvesting produce for Food Bank use.  The garden area and beds are relatively small and are located behind their offices in Waldorf.  In 2019, educational activities were conducted during weekdays at various times over the summer.  MGs and Interns delivered educational activities in informal class training, presentations, and hands-on activities in the garden, displays in the garden area, and through the demonstration garden itself.  Maintenance and related activities for the demonstration garden were conducted during days/evenings and weekdays/weekends as needed throughout the growing season.


When:  As requested

Project Leader: Michelle Chenault     

Contact info: vmchenault@gmail.com

CCMGs answer gardening questions and provide educational materials to the residents (clients) of the buildings in the complex.  Some residents use outdoor garden boxes, others have plants on their balconies, others have house plants or herb gardens in their apartments.


  • Celebrate La Plata - April

  • Charles County Fair - September

  • Cobb Island Appreciation Day - June

  • Cobb Island Monarch Mania Festival -September

  • La Plata Fall Festival - October

  • Rain Barrels and Composting Exhibit – in partnership with CC Government – May

Master Gardeners set up interactive information both to respond to resident’s questions on yard landscapes, gardening, and integrated pest management (IPM), native gardening for pollinators and other horticultural related questions.

  • Various requests are received from Charles County Park and Recreation, DOD Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Public Libraries, etc.,

  • Master Gardeners give talks, presentations, and guidance.

  • Artsfest

  • Charles County Arts Alliance

  • Charles County Detention Center

  • Christ Church Meditation Garden

  • Dr. Mudd Elementary School

  • J. C. Parks Elementary School

  • Lions Camp Merrick

  • Nanjemoy Creek Environmental Education Center

  • Port Tobacco River Park Native Garden

  • Soil Conservation District Office

  • St. Mary's School, Bryantown

  • Thomas Stone High School Garden Club

  • Thomas Stone High School Green Project

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