
Areas of Interest
Showing 341-350 of 379 publications
Updated: April 7, 2021

Selecting a Tow Vehicle (FS-955)

The horse trailer is only half of the towing rig; selecting the appropriate vehicle to haul your trailer is just as important as selecting the trailer itself.
Updated: February 23, 2022

Selecting a Horse Trailer (FS-948)

Horse trailers come in a variety of configurations and sizes. From tagalong one-horse trailers to self-propelled horse vans to semi-driven rigs, the choices can be daunting. Learn about the factors to consider when determining which type of trailer is best for you.
Updated: April 7, 2021

Safe Trailering and Transportation of Horses

From choosing the right trailer and towing vehicle to proper preparations prior to traveling, this publication outlines the important factors to consider before transporting your horse. The most important decision in selecting a trailer is the comfort and safety of the animal. Choose a towing vehicle with an adequate tow rating for your trailer. Use the pre-trip safety checklist included in this fact sheet to go over the trailer, towing vehicle and equipment needed before trailering and in case of emergencies. Proper preparation and practice for trailering your horse will avoid many problems while traveling.
Updated: January 20, 2021

Marcellus Shale Development and Drinking Water (FS-949)

Water is a valuable resource. Many homeowners are concerned about natural gas development associated with the Marcellus Shale formation and their private water supply. This informational sheet is designed to provide citizens with private water supplies an understanding of potential water quality impacts, pertinent water testing parameters, general water quantity and quality monitoring procedures, and laboratory resources related to natural gas development.
Updated: January 19, 2021

Federal Potato Crop Insurance in Maryland

The Risk Management Agency (RMA) under the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) promotes, supports, and regulates risk management solutions for America’s agricultural producers by providing federal crop insurance programs. In addition, the agency provides education and outreach programs in risk management. The RMA develops the premium rate, administer premium and expense subsidy, approve and support products, and reinsure private sector companies via Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC).
Updated: January 9, 2021

Farm to Hospital—Selling Farm-Raised Meats and Poultry in Maryland (FS-929)

Farm to Hospital -Selling Farm-Raised Meats and Poultry in Maryland (FS-929) Fact Sheet is to assist livestock and poultry producers in developing products and marketing tools to increase meat and poultry sales directly to hospitals and extended care facilities or to distributors who handle hospital food purchasing accounts. By Ginger S. Myers, Marketing Specialist, University of Maryland Extension and Director of the Maryland Rural Enterprise Development Center.
Updated: December 5, 2023

You and The Chesapeake Bay: Pesticides

A pesticide is defined as any material that is applied to plants, soil, water, harvested crops, structures, clothing, furnishings, or animals to kill, attract, repel, regulate or interrupt the growth and mating of pests, or to regulate plant growth.
Updated: February 7, 2021

You and The Chesapeake Bay: Food Safety On The Farm

GAPs address: Water, Worker Health and Hygiene, Sanitary Facilities, Field Sanitation, Packing Facilities, Manure Application, Transportation and Trace Back.
Updated: February 7, 2021

You and The Chesapeake Bay: It’s Not The Same Old Farm

You and The ChesapeakeBay:It’s Not The Same Old Farm Keeping the Bay Blue.
Updated: February 7, 2021

You and The Chesapeake Bay: Nutrient Management Planning In Maryland

The Water Quality Improvement Act (WQIA), also known as the Maryland Nutrient Management Law, was passed in 1998 by the Maryland State Legislature. The goal of nutrient management planning is to reduce non-point source pollution (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus from cropland) by balancing nutrient applications with crop nutrient requirements. Nutrient management planning, which is an array of best management practices (BMPs), is considered to be one of the most cost-effective means of controlling excessive nutrient applications.
Showing 341-350 of 379 publications