Year-Round Clubs
- Location: Sinepuxent Rod and Gun Club, Berlin
- Certified Instructors: Dennis Handley, Joe Shanno, Kelly Beauchamp, Barbara Barga
- Club Leaders: Denise Downs
Youth ages 8-18 can learn the discipline of archery. Youth ages 10-18 for the discipline of shotgun.
- The Voyagers participate in Operation We Care Packing for Deployed Troops twice a year (May 19 and Nov 17, 2024). The club participates in Wreaths Across America at Parsons Cemetery in Salisbury, MD to honor veterans laid to rest there. (Dec. 14)
- Business Meeting Location: Berlin Public Library Meeting Room-2nd fl, 13 Harrison Ave., Berlin MD
- Club Leaders: Shriya Gupta, Mendi Fiori, Kate Shaffer, Kathy Decker
This 4-H Club provides a variety of fun and educational experiences. Community service projects and outreach are the focus of this club.
- Location: Worcester County Extension Office, Snow Hill
- Club Leaders: Heather Ring, Regina Fletcher
Club focuses on a variety of projects and participates in local community parades.
- Club Leaders: Bronwyn Betz, Amanda Wainwright, Liz Maratea, Liz Decker, Diana Kio, Kate Dockins
The focus of this club is environmental education and community service. Many of its members are homeschooled.
- Location: Pocomoke City Log Cabin Winter Quarters Dr., Pocomoke City; or Pocomoke Library
- Club Leaders: Charlin Casiano, Jonathan Almodovar-Flores, Jessica Bullis, Jodie Turley
The youth in this club do a variety of 4-H projects to include disc golf, aerospace, and community service.
- Location: Whaleyville United Methodist Church, 11716 Sheppards Crossing Rd., Whaleyville
- Club Leaders: Amy Weaver, Sarah Campbell, Kate Shaffer
This club focuses on animal science.
- Meeting Location: Ocean Pines Library
- Club Leaders: Amanda Wainwright, Liz Decker
The youth prepare for the Maryland State 4-H Robotics Competitions.
Activity Clubs
- Location Info: Varies
- Club Leaders: Contact Barbara Barga
This club meets at least 6 times during the year. The focus is on learning about equine science.

Meeting Info: Coming Spring 2004
Youth are taught different mediums of art by local professional artists.

Location and dates TBD
Club Leader: Chris Ranck
Youth will learn about the science of HAM Radio and have the opportunity to obtain their license.

Coming Spring
Youth will learn how to hand sew and use a sewing machine.

Starting February
Youth will learn about different international foods and cultures. They will make a dinner for their families in the final session.
Date and location TBD