Worcester 4-H participates annually in Wreaths Across America

Year-Round Clubs

  • Worcester Shooting Sports logo
    Meeting Info: Every 2nd Sunday 1pm - 3pm 
  • Location: Sinepuxent Rod and Gun Club, Berlin
  • Certified Instructors: Dennis Handley, Joe Shanno, Kelly Beauchamp, Barbara Barga  
  • Club Leaders: Denise Downs

Youth ages 8-18 can learn the discipline of archery. Youth ages 10-18 for the discipline of shotgun.

  • 4-H CLub worcester county
    Meeting Info: 2024 Business Meeting dates are March 19th, May 21st, September 23rd, November 19th and December 17th (Holidays Celebration).  Fun, experiential learning field trips and activities are scheduled throughout the year with dates TBA.
  • The Voyagers participate in Operation We Care Packing for Deployed Troops twice a year (May 19 and Nov 17, 2024).  The club participates in Wreaths Across America at Parsons Cemetery in Salisbury, MD to honor veterans laid to rest there. (Dec. 14)
  • Business Meeting Location: Berlin Public Library Meeting Room-2nd fl, 13 Harrison Ave., Berlin MD
  • Club Leaders: Shriya Gupta, Mendi Fiori, Kate Shaffer, Kathy Decker 

This 4-H Club provides a variety of fun and educational experiences. Community service projects and outreach are the focus of this club.

Club focuses on a variety of projects and participates in local community parades.

  • Nature Adventurer Members
    Meeting Info: Meeting time and day determined by group designation
  • Club Leaders: Bronwyn Betz, Amanda Wainwright, Liz Maratea, Liz Decker, Diana Kio, Kate Dockins

The focus of this club is environmental education and community service. Many of its members are homeschooled. 

  • Rocket demo
    Meeting Info: Meets 3rd Tuesday at 6 p.m.
  • Location: Pocomoke City Log Cabin Winter Quarters Dr., Pocomoke City; or Pocomoke Library
  • Club Leaders: Charlin Casiano, Jonathan Almodovar-Flores, Jessica Bullis, Jodie Turley

The youth in this club do a variety of 4-H projects to include disc golf, aerospace, and community service.

  • Rabbit demo Worcester county
    Meeting Info: Meetings on various Tuesday, 6pm
  • Location: Whaleyville United Methodist Church, 11716 Sheppards Crossing Rd., Whaleyville
  • Club Leaders: Amy Weaver, Sarah Campbell, Kate Shaffer

This club focuses on animal science.

  • STEM Competition
    Meeting Info: TBD
  • Meeting Location: Ocean Pines Library
  • Club Leaders: Amanda Wainwright, Liz Decker

The youth prepare for the Maryland State 4-H Robotics Competitions. 

Activity Clubs

  • Horse
    Meeting Info: Meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 6pm
  • Location Info: Varies
  • Club Leaders: Contact Barbara Barga

This club meets at least 6 times during the year. The focus is on learning about equine science.


Artist in You Club

Meeting Info: Coming Spring 2004

Youth are taught different mediums of art by local professional artists.

HAM Radio club

Location and dates TBD

Club Leader: Chris Ranck

Youth will learn about the science of HAM Radio and have the opportunity to obtain their license. 




Coming Spring

Youth will learn how to hand sew and use a sewing machine.

Flavor of italy club

Starting February

Youth will learn about different international foods and cultures. They will make a dinner for their families in the final session.

Date and location TBD