LEAD Maryland Alumni Committee

The above image was captured at the 20 Years of LEAD Anniversary Celebration held at Herrington on the Bay in Anne Arundel County. The event included the graduation of LEAD Class X, and the welcoming of the new class, Class XI (April 2019). Image Credit: Edwin Remsberg/Remsberg Photography.


LEAD Maryland Foundation's Alumni Committee enables program graduates to stay involved with and support the foundation and its network of leaders. Currently, the Alumni Committee is co-chaired by: 

Bill Schrodel (Class III, 2003-2004)
Beth Hill (Class XI, 2019-2022)

Committee Description and Purpose

The Alumni Committee:

1. Supports the mission of the LEAD Maryland Foundation;

2. Creates opportunities for program alumni with continued networking, communication, learning, and leadership opportunities;

3. Recognizes achievements of program graduates and promotes the success stories of the alumni;

4. Helps recruit new applicants for the next LEAD Maryland class;

5. Encourages LEAD alumni to attend LEAD seminars for the current class in a way that helps all to connect, learn, and grow;

6. Alumni host and educate visiting leadership development programs from other states or providences by providing tours, giving presentations, and participating in dinner programs.

Please contact the LEAD Maryland Foundation office (leadmd@umd.edu) if you would like to serve on the Alumni Committee or participate in any Alumni activity. 

Update Your Contact Information

LEAD wants to stay in touch with you! 

To update your contact information for the LEAD Maryland alumni network, please contact LEAD's administrative assistant, Megan Stibbe at: mstibbe@umd.edu, or 410-827-8056, x114. 

Providing your current information will ensure that you receive announcements, invitations, and other occasional mailings from the LEAD office. Information you provide will be available only for internal LEAD office uses, and will not be shared with outside parties.

To update your information, please provide the following:

  • First and Last Name
  • LEAD Fellowship Class (I-XI)
  • Your Preferred Physical Mailing Address
  • County (you may list either the county where you reside or where you work)
  • Home or Work Phone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Email--most of LEAD's correspondence is digital these days, so keeping your email address up-to-date in our system is the most efficient way to stay on top of the latest LEAD news and events.
  • Occupation/Title/Retired/Volunteer Title/Other
  • Affiliations/Memberships/Leadership/Achievements (please limit to 100 words or less)
  • If you are a farmer, grower, producer, forester, and so forth, please describe products/services produced/sold, type of operation, etc. (please limit to 100 words or less)

Lands' End

Embroidery Logos Now Available

Share your enthusiasm for LEAD Maryland by wearing or using items with the new LEAD logo! Please check out the new LEAD store at Lands' End Business Outfitters.

Each person is responsible for their own purchases. LEAD Maryland does not financially gain from the purchase of items. We hope to offer more options in the future, with other vendors, but meanwhile we are pleased that everyone can now order shirts and other items directly. Examples of how some items will look with the LEAD logo applied. You are welcome to change the logo colors to match or contrast with the item. If you need to speak with a customer service representative, note that the LEAD Maryland logo number is 1721220. 

To shop, visit our Lands' End store front: 
