Grant Writing in Extension
Length: 1:59:18  |  Date: February 23, 2023  |  View slide deck
Description: Learn about successful grant writing tips from your University of Maryland Extension colleagues.
Moderator: Deb Patra, Program Director-Evaluation and Assessment, Program and Organizational Development Unit
Panel Members: Thomas Hutson, Shauna Henley, Jonathan Kays, and Shannon Dill.

AgPAS-Pre-Award Services (AgPAS)

AgPAS is AGNR's Pre-Award Services unit, established within the Dean's Office in November 2014, to centralize all pre-award functions for the entire college of Agriculture and Natural Resources. We strive to increase efficiencies by standardizing business processes and responding to opportunities more strategically. Our primary purpose is to ease the administrative burden of AGNR’s PI's, thus allowing you to focus your energy on the science and/or outreach.

AgPAS Pre-Award Services

Grant Resources

  • Office of Research Administration (ORA) - Quick Reference Guide

  • Institutional Review Board (IRB)

  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

  • Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

  • Grant Proposal Guide (UMD Divison of Research)

  • Office of Research Development (ORA) Resources

Grant Forms

Grant FAQ's

Complete the Notice of Intent Form as soon as you know about the grant.
Go to AgPAS (AGNR Pre-Award Services) for all pre-award forms, guidance, and related materials.
For UME Field Faculty grant questions, contact:


Vacant, Contract Administrator, UME, AREC, Dean's Office/IPAN
Telephone:  (301) 314-1081  |  Email:

Note: Contact Ora Rollins, Assistant Director, AgPAS at (301) 405-2904 or by email

ORAA (UM Extention):

Sheyna Marcey, Contract Administrator
Telephone:  (301) 405-3706  |  Email:

ORA Staff Directory (AGNR tab):

Research Records - records maintained by investigators detailing research conducted by faculty and students (including research on human subjects).

Retain records relating to investigational new drugs for the longer of 5 years after research results are submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in support of an application for a research or marketing permit OR 2 years after a marketing application is approved for the drug for the indication for which the drug is being investigated. If no application is filed, retain for 2 years after the investigation is discontinued and the FDA is notified, then destroy.

Retain records relating to investigational devices for the longer of 5 years after research results are submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in support of an application for a research or marketing permit OR 2 years after the investigation is discontinued/completed OR 2 years after the records are no longer required to support a premarket approval application or a notice of completion of a product development protocol, then destroy.

Retain medical records of minors for 7 years after completion of the research or until the minor has reached age 21 (whichever is longer), then destroy.

Retain all other research files for 7 years after the completion of the research or for a longer period of time if required by sponsor contract, then destroy.

See Item 197-Institutional Review Board (IRB) Records and Item 198-Research Misconduct Records for related requirements.

  • Ledger 1 - State Account (ex. 110XXXX)
  • Ledger 2 - Revolving or DRlF Account (ex. 294XXXX)
  • Ledger 4 -  Grant, County, or Smith-Lever Accounts (ex. 445XXXX)

It is the P.I.'s responsibility to know what type of funding is being used. The faculty member should not have to advise ORA regarding the type of account which has been created for the project.