2024-2025 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations (EB-236)

This copy of the 2024/2025 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations replaces all previous editions of the Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations published individually for Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Information presented in this publication is based on research results from the University of Delaware, the University of Maryland, Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, The Pennsylvania State University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, West Virginia University, Delaware State University, Cornell University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and other institutions, combined with industry and grower knowledge and experience.
This publication will be revised biennially. In January 2025, a Critical Update with important updates for this publication will be communicated through local Extension Agents and Vegetable Specialists. The editors welcome constructive criticism and suggestions from growers and industry personnel who may wish to help improve future editions of this publication.
These recommendations are intended for the commercial vegetable grower who has to make numerous managerial decisions. Although the proper choices of variety, pesticides, equipment, irrigation, fertilizer, and cultural practices are the individual vegetable grower’s responsibility, it is intended that these recommendations will facilitate decision-making. Recommended planting dates will vary across the six-state region. Local weather conditions, grower experience, and variety may facilitate successful harvest on crops planted outside the planting dates listed in this guide. This can be evaluated in consultation with the local agents and state specialists. Government agencies and other organizations administrating crop insurance programs or other support programs should contact local Extension agents and/or vegetable specialists for guidance.
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- Preface (including the Table of Contents) (926 KB)
- General Production Recommendations (734.58 KB)
- Soil and Nutrient Management (981 KB)
- Irrigation Management (409 KB)
- Pesticide Safety (1.89 MB)
- Pest Management (3.83 MB)
- Resources (396 KB)
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The publisher has organized the commodity recommendations into separate sections.