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Palmer Amaranth: A Challenging Weed for Farmers 

Managing Weeds and a Spring Seeded-Grass Cover Crop in Watermelon

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  • Waterhemp

    Keys to Identifying Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp

  • A guide for identifying pigweed species commonly found in Maryland

    A Guide for Identifying Pigweed Species Commonly Found in Maryland

  • Palmer amaranth seedheads in a soybean field

    Control of Large Palmer Amaranth and Common Ragweed in Soybean or Corn

  • Categories and examples of substances classified as carcinogenic by the International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC)

    Understanding Glyphosate and Other Pesticides

  • Tractor

    Considerations for Burndown Programs in 2023

  • Graph

    How’s That Burndown Looking?

  • Palmer amaranth emerging through a soybean canopy

    Time to Pull Palmer Amaranth

  • Weed Photo

    Efficacy of Weed Management Tactics

  • Preplant applications of Liberty (left) and Gramoxone (middle) compared to the untreated check (right) 10 days after application at Wye REC

    Assessing Herbicide Options for Preplant Weed Control in Soybean

  • Herbicide-susceptible and herbicide-resistant Italian ryegrass following a glyphosate application

    Assessing Options for Italian Ryegrass Control Prior to Soybean Planting

  • Common ragweed pants exceeding optimal spray height

    Options for Postemergence Common Ragweed Control in Enlist E3 Soybean

  • Tractor-Mounted shielded sprayer used for cover crop termination

    Spring-Seeded Grass Cover Crops in Watermelon Production

  • A flame treatment is applied to control emerged weeds in soybean.

    Can Flame Weeding be used for Early-Season Weed Control in Soybean?

  • Early-season (2WAP) between & within-row weed abundance & type in response to treatments graph

    Evaluating Biosolarization as a Weed Management Tactic in Organic Vegetables

  • Herbicide Spray Tank Check Charts

    Herbicide Spray Tank Check Charts for Corn and Soybean

  • Field photo

    Thoughts on the Control of Palmer Amaranth in Organic Systems

  • Terminating the cover crop with a shielded herbicide application.

    Using Spring-Seeded Cover Crops to Complement Weed Management in Cucurbits

  • Locally-designed chaff line chute working in Delaware

    Minimizing Combine Weed-Seed Movement

  • Field photo

    Will Your Preemergence Herbicides be Effective?

  • Weed Control Trial results

    2022 Maryland Weed Control Results