- Maryland Hops Growers Guide - A Progress Report on the 2017-2018 Growing Season and Summary of Best Practices for Growing Hops in Maryland.
- Field Guide for Integrated Pest Management in Hops - A cooperative publication produced by Oregon State University, University of Idaho, U.S. Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service, and Washington State University.
- Microbreweries and the New Class 8 Farm Brewery License (Extension Bulletin) - Produced by Mayhah Suri, Research Assistant, University of Maryland Law Education Initiative.
- 2020 Pest Management Guide - Published by the Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Ready To Take Root-Getting Started with Small Fruit & Hops - The Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission (SMADC) and the University of Maryland Extension (UME) partnered in 2018 and 2019 to offer a series of workshops on everything you need to know to grow, sell and market small fruits and hops in Maryland. The workshop series and resource portal was made possible in part by a Rural Maryland Prosperity Investment Fund Grant (RMPIF) and the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
- Hops Production in Maryland: 2017-2018 Hops Trial Growing Season Report and Best Management Practices -This publication details what we have learned from the University of Maryland hops project and includes current production recommendations for growing hops in Maryland. This is a multi-year study and partnership with Flying Dog Brewery that started in 2016.
American Hop Growers Association - Dedicated to the promotion of using organic hops, this association works with brewers to ensure their access to sources, and educates organic hop farmers.
Old Dominion Hops Cooperative - An organization of hop farmers in Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina who work together, share information, and assist each other in hops production.
Northeast Hop Alliance - Hops growers, brewers, educators, and supporters join in promoting hops as a specialty crop in the Northeast, and to restore hops as the profitable agricultural industry that once thrived in this area for nearly 150 years.
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