Youth in 4-H Animal Science projects learn and practice life skills, emphasizing decision-making, acquiring knowledge, and taking personal responsibility through participation in 4-H animals science opportunities such as project animal care, judging, and bowl events.

Youth develop competencies in animal science, including an understanding of animal sciences and animal management and an awareness of agricultural issues in society (e.g., concern for animal well-being and increasing public agricultural literacy.)

Youth have opportunities to learn about the parts of an animal, breeds, costs to raise animals, how to care for animals, and much more. Youth can learn about animals without owning one!

Steps to Success - Steps for all Animal Projects

Market Animal Projects - Market animals that will be part of the AAC Fair Auction must follow the policies and procedures set by the Livestock Auction Committee (LAC).

Here is the Checklist with all requirements including: document and website links, due dates, contacts, etc. 

January 1 - 4-H Registration (All 4-H Members and Volunteers) -

Second Saturday in January - Steer Weigh-In (Market Steers Only) 9am - Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds - bring Maryland 4-H Livestock Registration Form - must be completely and accurately filled out before weighing-in"

February 1 - Record Books due to 4-H Office – anyone who carried an animal project must turn in project records from the previous year in order to carry a project in the current year.

February, TBA -  Mandatory Livestock Education meeting, for 4-H/FFA members holding a project to raise an animal and show at the Anne Arundel County Fair.  (Rabbits, Poultry, Goats, Cattle, Pigs, Lambs, Llamas, etc)

Third Wednesday in May - Livestock Weigh-In (Market Goats, Sheep, Hogs Only) 4-7pm – Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds. 

April - July 31 -  Animal Husbandry & Quality Assurance (AH&QA). AH&QA opens beginning of April and closes July 31. All 4-H members enrolled in alpacas, beef, dairy, goats, horse and pony, llamas, poultry, sheep, swine and rabbits are required complete the training to be eligible to exhibit their project animals annually in Maryland County 4-H and State 4-H Shows. There is one part to the Junior Level. There are two parts to the Intermediate/Senior Level: • Part 1 is general animal information. • Part 2 contains specific information for each animal species - members will need to complete Part 2 of the program for each specie project they are enrolled in and wish to exhibit. Inters and Srs must complete both parts.  Additional AH&QA program details are posted on the Animal Science Program Area page of the Maryland 4-H website. Upon completion you will have an opportunity to print a Certificate of Completion for your records. Download/print this certificate and ensure it has your name, you are not a Guest. If it states "guest" you will not receive credit for completing your AH&QA.

June 1  - All Animal Project registrations/ paperwork not handed in at a prior Weigh-in event are due to County Office. Registration and Leasing paperwork links are below. Lease/Ownership paperwork due as applicable. Additional Guides for specific projects are under the "Animal Ownership" box at the lower portion of this page. Maryland 4-H (Species) Registration Form - must be completely and accurately filled out:

July 31 - Animal Husbandry & Quality Assurance (AH&QA) - general (all ages) and species specific (Int & Sr)

July 31 - State Fair Online Pre-Entries Due 

August TBDCounty Fair Animal Online Pre-Entries Due

  • Entry Fees – Details to come
  • Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (poultry health forms due at check-in)
  • W-9 Tax Form (Market Projects Only)

September 10 - Fair Livestock Check-In 3-7pm (Poultry and Rabbits 5-7pm)

September 14 - 4-H Livestock Auction (Market Projects Only)

  • Food and Drink Donation for Auction Dinner
  • Auction Dinner Set-Up - 4pm
  • Pre-Auction Meeting - 5pm
  • Pictures with Animals at Auction – During Auction
  • Auction Dinner Clean-Up
  • Auction Clean-Up

September 15 - Last Fair Day