Updated: December 5, 2023
You and The Chesapeake Bay: Pesticides
A pesticide is defined as any material that is applied to plants, soil, water, harvested crops, structures, clothing, furnishings, or animals to kill, attract, repel, regulate or interrupt the growth and mating of pests, or to regulate plant growth.
Updated: February 7, 2021
You and The Chesapeake Bay: Food Safety On The Farm
GAPs address: Water, Worker Health and Hygiene, Sanitary Facilities, Field Sanitation, Packing Facilities, Manure Application, Transportation and Trace Back.
Updated: February 7, 2021
You and The Chesapeake Bay: It’s Not The Same Old Farm
You and The ChesapeakeBay:It’s Not The Same Old Farm Keeping the Bay Blue.
Updated: February 7, 2021
You and The Chesapeake Bay: Nutrient Management Planning In Maryland
The Water Quality Improvement Act (WQIA), also known as the Maryland Nutrient Management Law, was passed in 1998 by the Maryland State Legislature. The goal of nutrient management planning is to reduce non-point source pollution (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus from cropland) by balancing nutrient applications with crop nutrient requirements. Nutrient management planning, which is an array of best management practices (BMPs), is considered to be one of the most cost-effective means of controlling excessive nutrient applications.
Updated: February 7, 2021
You and The Chesapeake Bay: Farmers Do Their Part
University of Maryland Extension’s (UME) Agricultural Nutrient Management Program, which is funded by Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) focuses on reducing nonpoint source nutrient pollution to the Chesapeake Bay from plant nutrients applied to cropland. The Program provides (1) nutrient management planning services to Maryland farmers through a network of Nutrient Management Advisors located in all county Extension offices and (2) continuing education and technical support to certified Nutrient Management Advisors and certified farm operators via state and regional nutrient management specialists.
Updated: February 7, 2021
You and The Chesapeake Bay: Farm Bill Budget Facts
No one should go hungry in America. United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) provide children and low-income people access to food, a healthful diet, and nutrition education. They help nearly one in five people.
Updated: May 19, 2022
Strategies for 4-H Youth Development Educators on Outreach Programming (FS-927)
There are a number of key strategies to successfully expand and sustain 4-H outreach programs. These strategies include (1) assessment and planning, (2) quality youth development training for facilitators, (3) participant recruitment, (4) quality program delivery, (5) sustainable partnerships, and (6) evaluation. This fact sheet will provide an overview of these six strategies and resources to begin your 4-H program outreach. Author: Dr. Nia Imani Fileds;Title: Strategies for 4-H Youth Development Educators on Outreach Programming (FS-927)
Updated: February 23, 2022
Nutrient Management Plans for Maryland Farms
In 1998, the Maryland General Assembly passed the “Maryland Nutrient Management Law” that requires certain agricultural operations, including horse farms, to obtain a nutrient management plan. This document is intended to help horse farm operators determine if a plan is needed for their farm and what basic steps are necessary to obtain a plan.
Updated: January 15, 2021
You and The Chesapeake Bay: Your Lawn
Unless you are growing Zoysia grass or Bermuda grass, spring is NOT the best time to fertilize your lawn. The University of Maryland recommends that you do not fertilize your lawn in the Spring at all, unless your turf is weak and thin. Even then, the recommendation is to apply NO MORE than 1/2 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet of lawn before the end of May. If a home owner applied what fertilizer companies tell us to do, we would apply about 1.75 lbs. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet by the month of June. THAT IS THREE TIMES MORE THAN THE RECOMMENDED AMOUNT!
Updated: July 12, 2022
Combine Harvest Check Points
Taking just a little extra time before harvest to make simple adjustments can significantly increase farm profitability. Proper maintenance is important and will save money and down time during harvest. Start harvesting with all combine settings set according to owner’s manual and in the least aggressive part of the range (slowest rotor speed, widest rotor/concave clearance), then make adjustments one at a time and observe the effect of each change. Take an inventory of pre-harvest losses so you can determine what the harvest losses are. Getting out of the combine to check for crop loss is a must! Combine related loss should be 1 bushel/acres or less if crop is standing well. 2 kernels found in 1 square foot represents 1 bushel/acre yield loss.