The University of Maryland Extension (UME) works to advance innovative, profitable, and sustainable fruit and vegetable production systems through applied research, instructional publications and materials, grower meetings and webinars, farm visits, and consultations. UME education and outreach has increased the productivity and profitability of Maryland farmers while protecting our natural resources.

Explore Fruit and Vegetable Production Programs

  • Aronia

    Alternative Crops

  • Green house growing vegetables

    Food Safety

  • Grapes on vine

    Grapes and Fruit

  • CSA box of vegetables

    Maryland Vegetables

  • Hand holding leaf

    Plant Diagnostic Laboratory

  • Squash in plastic bin

    Produce Safety

Explore resources

  • tomatoes ripening on a vine

    Fruit and Vegetable Blog

  • WMREC Twilight Meeting

    Fruit and Vegetable Grower Meetings

  • Vegetable & Fruit News header

    Vegetable and Fruit News

  • Apple Maturity Assessments

    Apple Maturity Assessments for the Mid-Atlantic

    The determination of apple harvest maturity and optimal harvest dates can be achieved by using different maturity indices. We take measurements of percent blush apple skin, skin chlorophyll content (DA index), fruit firmness, starch content, soluble solids, and titratable acidity. These measurements are performed weekly using different apple cultivars throughout the course of the season.

  • Extensión en Español Image

    Extensión en Español

    Looking for quality material on horticulture, gardening, agriculture, and nature in Spanish? Visit Us & Subscribe

    Material de calidad y exclusivamente en español sobre horticultura, jardineria, agricultura y naturaleza. ¡Visitenos y suscribase!

    ¡Extensión en Español está en linea!