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Updated: December 13, 2022

Developing Confidence in the Kitchen: How Adults and Older Siblings can Assist Youth (2 years and up) with Washing, Chopping, and Measuring (FS-2022-0639)

This factsheet is to help adults and/or older siblings have a quick refresher and activities to help youth learn how to wash different types of produce, knife skills, and measure and weigh dry and liquid ingredients. These are the basic cooking skills towards healthy eating, that can strengthen child development and provide parenting tips in the kitchen. Authors: Samantha Benner and Shauna C. Henley, Ph.D.; Title: Developing Confidence in the Kitchen: How Adults and Older Siblings can Assist Youth (2 years and up) with Washing, Chopping, and Measuring (FS-2022-0639)
Updated: January 11, 2022

How to Use and Calibrate Your Food Thermometer

Cooking food to a safe minimal temperature, using a food thermometer is an important behavior to reduce foodborne illness among consumers. However, data from FDA observed 67% of consumers owning a food thermometer, and this has not changed in 10 years. Using a food thermometer all the time for roasts, poultry, and hamburgers can range between 10-38%. This fact sheet helps address how to safely calibrate a food thermometer, and hot to best store and use it to keep the meals Marylander's prepare less risky.