On May 9, 2024, we will hold our 36th annual Personal Finance Seminar for Professionals.   

This year's PFS focuses on ’navigating challenges and charting success.’ We are mindful and emotional human beings living in an environment of rapidly changing technology. This opens a world of opportunities but also new areas of risk for both you and the people you serve. Learn how you can use AI and other technology to support your work while also protecting yourself and helping clients avoid scams and loss.

The University of Maryland Extension (UME) has a time-honored reputation for bringing together an impressive selection of presenters each year for the Personal Finance Seminar for Professionals (PFS). Be inspired by fresh ideas, new resources, and enhanced skills! We invite you to join us for UME's 2024 Personal Finance Seminar for Professionals.

Contact Us

Dorothy Nuckols                                               Jesse M. Ketterman   

Extension Educator                                            Extension Educator

dnuckols@umd.edu                                          jketterm@umd.edu

(410) 313-2707                                                    (301) 724-3320