Be sure to check out the most recent hemp fact sheet here for frequently asked questions. 

2020 Trial Results:

 Result Report. In 2020, University of Maryland participated in a national dual-purpose hemp variety trial coordinated by University of Kentucky. Universities across the country grew the same varieties to evaluate their performance in different regions. This summary details the procedures followed in 2020 and the results obtained. Any questions regarding the trial can be forward to Nicole Fiorellino ( and Andrew Ristvey (

2020 Industrial Hemp Production in Maryland

January 31, 2020

Maryland Industrial Hemp production in 2020 will once again be regulated under Maryland’s 2018 Industrial Hemp Pilot Program. What do you need to know if you want to grow industrial hemp in Maryland?

The 2019 pilot program required industrial hemp growers to be partnered with an institution of higher education. In 2020, growers who wish to grow hemp must partner with an institution of higher education OR form a partnership directly with the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA). The cost of the MDA application remains $250, as it was in 2019. Maryland Department of Agriculture’s application for certification to grow hemp can be found here.

While the pilot program and the associated regulations will be in effect for the majority of the 2020 growing season, the regulations for industrial hemp under the 2018 Farm Bill will take effect November 1st, 2020. When these regulations take effect, the pilot program will end and Maryland industrial hemp farmers will need to become recertified through MDA. Additionally, the 2018 Farm Bill changes regulations on the legal limits of different forms of the psychoactive chemical THC in the plant. Essentially, this change will require that farmers harvest their CBD hemp crop earlier than last year to avoid increasing THC concentrations above the 2018 Farm Bill legal limits.

The University of Maryland Extension provides research and extension services to all producers in the state and we are available to assist with any crop-production needs related to industrial hemp. Please contact Dr. Andrew Ristvey at or Dr. Nicole Fiorellino at with additional questions or concerns.