April 2024 | Volume 15, Issue 1
Inside this issue:
- Considerations for Pre-Plant Applications-Italian Ryegrass
- UMD Grain Marketing Site Updated for 2024: Field Crop Budgets
- Soybean Populations, Row Spacings, and Planting Dates
- Implications Due To The Closure of The Port of Baltimore
- Cover Crop Termination and Growing Degree Days
- Fungicide Seed Treatment Reference Tables
- The Hiring and Retaining Farm Employee Webinars
- Ag Commodity Markets: Review and Outlook
- Spring Forage Events
- Organic Grain Transition Survey
- Hunting 101 Workshop
- Wildlife Speaker Series
- Manure Hauling & Injection Cost-Share
- Maryland Weather Outlook
- Maryland Regional Crop Reports

UME Wants to Scout Your Cover Crops!
UME was recently awarded a grant from the Maryland Soybean Board to investigate whether stink bugs and other insect pests use cover crops overwinter and what that means for the following cash crop. We are looking for fields on the Eastern Shore of Maryland to scout, in which the cover crop will be terminated at the end of April or during May and will preferably them to be followed by soybeans. If you have a field(s) you'd like us to scout, or for more information, please contact Emily Zobel by email at eobel@umd.edu or by phone at 410-228-8800
Wildflower Interest Survey
Did you know that wildflowers can provide an important habitat for pollinator insects and pest predators? Did you know that USDA programs can provide support for on-farm conservation measures like wildflower strips? Unfortunately, many lack the equipment to establish healthy wildflower plots on farm. A Cornell-based team has developed a seed pelleting technique that will allow native wildflower seeds to be planted using standard field crop planters. This team would like to gage your interest in these sorts of pellets/plantings, and whether or not you’re receptive to the idea of planting wildflowers on your operation.
Organic Grain Transition Survey
For a variety of reasons, farmers may want to convert part or all of their grain production to certified organic. However, this transition can be challenging and risky. University of Maryland and Future Harvest would like to gain insight into the barriers preventing grain farmers from transitioning fields to certified organic production. This will help us tailor educational and research programs to best help farmers that are interested in transitioning acreage. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes of your time and answers will be confidential and not linked to any individual. By completing the survey, you will have the option to enter into a drawing to win one of five $100 VISA gift cards.
Download Agronomy News, April 2024, Vol. 15, Issue 1 (pdf)
Agronomy News is a statewide newsletter for farmers, consultants, researchers, and educators interested in grain and row crop forage production systems. This newsletter is published by the University of Maryland Extension, Agriculture & Food Systems Agronomy Team every month during the growing season and will include topics pertinent to agronomic crop production. The subscription is free.
Andrew Kness
Agriculture Extension Agent University of Maryland Extension
3525 Conowingo Rd., Suite 600
Street, MD 21154
(410) 638-3255
Email: akness@umd.edu