Country Explorers 4-H Club News Cole Kepple, Reporter On January 5, 2020, the Country Explorers’ 4-H Club held their 2019 Achievement Awards Luncheon at St. John’s Church. New officers were installed and 2019 club awards were presented. The club’s new officers are Morgan Qualls - President, Evan Lewis - Past-President, Izzy Hauser - Vice-President, Revie Miller - Secretary, Preston Miller - Treasurer, Cole Kepple - Reporter and Alyssa Nice - Historian and the Song and Game Leaders are Jaxson Corbin, Kyle Kepple and Andrew San Julian. Brenton Gnegy and Lane Miller were recognized as Clovers. Rachel Dudock from the Garrett County Animal Shelter and Nick Dudock of Animal Control were recognized as the club’s Friends of 4-H. Cole Kepple, Kyle Kepple, Preston Miller and Revie Miller were awarded for Perfect Attendance. Jaxon Corbin, Gwen Cummings, Wyatt Fridley, Bryson Glotfelty, Jacob Glotfelty, Mylee Hartman, Izzy Hauser, Evan Lewis, Serena Lewis, Alexis Nice, Alyssa Nice, Mason Qualls, Morgan Qualls, Andrew San Julian, Maria San Julian, Audrey Smith, Arya Teets and Jaryn Teets were awarded for Faithful Attendance. Jaxon Corbin, Izzy Hauser, Cole Kepple and Morgan Qualls were recognized for participating in the Maryland Livestock Stockman’s Judging Contest. Gwen Cummings, Mylee Hartman, Cole Kepple, Morgan Qualls, Arya Teets and Jaryn Teets were recognized for participating the Maryland Horse Bowl Contest. Wyatt Fridley, Evan Lewis, Serena Lewis, Alyssa Nice, Mason Qualls, Jack Thomas and Riley Thomas were recognized for participating in the Maryland LEGO Robotics Challenge. Wyatt Fridley, Izzy Hauser, Serena Lewis, Mason Qualls and Morgan Qualls were recognized for participating in the County Communication Contest. Jaxson Corbin, Izzy Hauser, Cole Kepple, Preston Miller, Revie Miller and Morgan Qualls were recognized for participating in the County Stockman’s Livestock Skillathon Contest. Jaxson Corbin, Cole Kepple, Preston Miller, Revie Miller and Mason Qualls were recognized for participating in the County Bicycle Challenge. Jaxson Corbin, Cole Kepple, Preston Miller, Revie Miller and Mason Qualls were recognized for participating in the County Electricity Contest. Jaxson Corbin, Cole Kepple, Preston Miller, Revie Miller and Mason Qualls were recognized for participating in the County Small Engine Contest. Jaxson Corbin, Cole Kepple, Preston Miller, Revie Miller and Mason Qualls were recognized for participating in the County Lawn Tractor Contest. Cole Kepple and Preston Miller were recognized for participating in the County Tractor Contest. Izzy Hauser was recognized for participating in the County Leadline Contest. Izzy Hauser was recognized for participating in the County Fashion Review Contest. Wyatt Fridley, Evan Lewis, Serena Lewis, Alyssa Nice, Mason Qualls, Jack Thomas and Riley Thomas were recognized for participating in the County and State Robotics Competition. Izzy Hauser was recognized for participating in the PSC Contest. The four H’s of 4-H were presented to Izzy Hauser as the Head H, Jaxson Corbin as the Heart H, Preston Miller as the Hands H and Mason Qualls as the Health H. This year’s Outstanding Members were Kyle Kepple as a First Year Member, Revie Miller as the Junior Member, Cole Kepple as the Intermediate Member and Morgan Qualls as the Senior Member. Evan Lewis and Serena Lewis were recognized for Teen Leadership. For more information to join the Country Explorers’ 4-H Club or another Garrett County 4-H club, contact the Garrett County Extension Office at 301-334-6960.

Front row (L-R): Kyle Kepple, Andrew San Julian, and Jaxson Corbin – Song and Game Leaders, Alyssa Nice -
Back row (L-R): Evan Lewis – Past President, Cole Kepple - Reporter, Morgan Qualls - President, Izzy
Hauser – Vice President, Preston Miller - Treasurer, Revie Miller - Secretary.