May 2024 | Volume 15, Issue 2
Inside this issue:
- Overview of Fungicides for Head Scab Control in Wheat
- Staying Safe on the Farm
- Small Grain Field Days
- Biological Products: To Use or Not To Use (and how to systematically answer this question)
- Wheat Leaf Tip Necrosis Showing in Many Wheat Fields
- Garlic Mustard Identification and Management in the Landscape
- Nitrogen Decision Making
- Wildlife Management Webinar
- May 15, 2024- Building Conservation Cooperatives to Benefit Soil, Water, and Wildlife.
Andrew Little, University of Nebraska - June 19, 2024 - Managing Invasive Vegetation.
Dr. Kurt Vollmer, University of Maryland Extension, Weed Management Specialist. - July 17, 2024 - Canada Geese: Ecology, Population Trends, & Hunting.
Josh Homyack, Game Bird Section Leader, Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
Register for any or all webinars at https://www.wildlife.umd.edu/
Nitrogen Decision Making Feedback
Nicole Fiorellino, Extension Agronomist, University of Maryland, College Park
We are requesting your assistance with gathering farmer participation in an online simulation exercise. As part of a NRCS CIG grant, UMD is leading a team of researchers from UMD, UD, and PSU to better understand how to better incentivize the adoption of novel nitrogen management practices in corn. We have a team of behavioral economists from UD as project partners and they have developed this simulation to help us better understand how to increase farmer adoption of practices through incentives and rewards.
If you are a farmer, we would greatly appreciate your feedback using this Google Form. Upon completion of the Google Form, participants will receive a link to the simulation and unique participation code via email within minutes. In the simulation, participants will make corn sidedress decisions on a simulated field over ten growing seasons and their choices will help us understand how they chose to adopt novel practices (or not). The exercise should take no longer than 30 minutes, and you can earn Nutrient Management credits for your participation, AND earn cash up to $150.
Please contact Dr. Nicole Fiorellino at nfiorell@umd.edu if you have any questions.
Sponsor: Maryland Grain Producers & Maryland Crop Improvement
- May 22, 2024- Wye Research and Education Center
- May 23, 2024 - Clarksville Research and Education Center
3:00 p.m. | Welcome |
3:15 p.m. | View Commercial Plots & Hear from Local Seed Retailers |
4:15 p.m. | UMD Small Grains Breeding Program - Dr. Vijay Tiwari |
4:40 p.m. | Systems Approach to Managing Fusarium Headblight - Dr. Nidhi Rawat |
5:00 p.m. | Nitrogen Rate in High Management Wheat - Dr. Nicole Fiorelino |
5:20 p.m. | Travel to Dinner |
Contact Jenell McHenry to register: (443) 262-8491 | jenell.mdag@gmail.com
Download Agronomy News, May 2024, Vol. 15, Issue 2 (pdf)
Agronomy News is a statewide newsletter for farmers, consultants, researchers, and educators interested in grain and row crop forage production systems. This newsletter is published by the University of Maryland Extension, Agriculture & Food Systems Agronomy Team every month during the growing season and will include topics pertinent to agronomic crop production. The subscription is free.
Andrew Kness
Agriculture Extension Agent University of Maryland Extension
3525 Conowingo Rd., Suite 600
Street, MD 21154
(410) 638-3255
Email: akness@umd.edu