July 2021 | Volume 12, Issue 4

Double Crop Beans, Not So Fast
Jeff Semler, Principal Agriculture Agent, University of Maryland Extension, Washington County
With barley harvest behind us and wheat harvest in full swing, our thoughts move to planting double-crop soybeans. This might be a prudent decision in many cases, but if you need forage, it may be a short-sighted choice. I suggest you look into... Read more>>
Emily Zobel, Senior Agriculture Agent Associate, University of Maryland Extension, Dorchester County
Be sure to check all labels carefully before applying and combining insecticides and herbicides.
Soybean: Scout for the usual defoliators, including bean leaf beetle, Japanese beetle, and caterpillars. The treatment threshold is... Read more>>

Alyssa Koehler, Extension Field Crops Pathologist, University of Delaware
As tasseling in corn approaches, it is a good time to scout fields to decide if a fungicide will be applied. When considering the economics of a...Read More
Poison Hemlock Identification and Management
Doris Behnke, Senior Agriculture Agent Associate, University of Maryland Extension, Cecil County
Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum, Fig. 1), is a member of the plant family Apiaceae, which contains a few important crops such as carrots, celery, and parsnips. This weed is a tall, invasive, and highly poisonous weed that is...Read more>>

Be On Lookout for Tar Spot: A New Disease of Corn
Andrew Kness, Agriculture Agent, University of Maryland Extension, Harford County
Before anyone panics, this disease has not been confirmed in Maryland; however, it is close by and could potentially spread to our state. As you’re scouting fields this summer, keep this one in...Read more>>

Herbicide Field Day
WHEN: Monday, July 12th, 8:30-10:30 a.m.
WHERE: Powell Farm, 5499 Scotty Rd. Snow Hill, MD
WHAT: Discuss the identification and management of herbicide-resistant weeds. Tour research plots.
WHO: Speakers include University of Maryland Extension Weed Specialist, Dr. Kurt Vollmer, and Lower Shore Ag Agents, Drs. Haley Sater and Sarah Hirsh
BONUS: Free Program with Light Breakfast! Approved Pesticide Credits available!
Registration: Call the Somerset Extension office or Email Dr. Sarah Hirsh. Phone: (410) 651-1350, Email: shirsh@umd.edu
Hemp Twilight Tour
DATE: July 29, 2021
TIME: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
COST: Registration is limited. This is a free event
LOCATION: Wye Research & Education Center, 124 Wye Narrows Drive, Queenstown, MD 21658
Delaware Maryland 4R Field Day
DATE: August 26, 2021
TIME: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
COST: Registration is free, but registration is required
LOCATION: Chesapeake Farms, 7319 Remington Drive, Chestertown, MD 21620
Maryland Soybean Board Field Day at the Wye Research Center
Save the Date for the Maryland Soybean Board's research field day, to be held at the Wye Research & Education Center on August 11, 2021!
Local farmers and industry professionals are invited to join the Maryland Soybean Board to learn about checkoff-funded research out in the field and enjoy a snakehead fish fry and barbeque dinner. Research to be featured includes a spray drone demonstration, use of forage soybeans to control deer damage, evaluation of growth-promoting projects, variety trials, and cover crops. Registration for this event will open in early July. CCA credits are pending. "Like" the Maryland Soybean Board on Facebook or visit mdsoy.com/news for the latest updates!
2021 Maryland Commodity Classic
DATE: July 22, 2021
TIME: Beginning at 9:00 a.m.
LOCATION: Queen Anne's County 4-H Park, Centerville, MD
COST: Members of the Maryland Grain Producers Association will receive a free ticket via mail to attend our event. You can become a member today, check online - https://marylandgrain.org/member/. Non-members are welcome to attend for $10 a ticket before 2:30 PM or $20 a ticket after 2:30 PM. There is no entry after 3:30 PM. Registration is highly encouraged.
Excellence in Crop Advising Award
The Mid-Atlantic Certified Crop Advisers are seeking nominations for their Excellence in Crop Advising Award. This award honors one of the Mid-Atlantic Regions' hard-working and deserving CCAs. To learn more about the award and how to nominate your CCA, click here.
Great resources are just a click away!
Agronomy News is a statewide newsletter for farmers, consultants, researchers, and educators interested in grain and row crop forage production systems. This newsletter is published by the University of Maryland Extension, Agriculture & Food Systems Agronomy Team every month during the growing season and will include topics pertinent to agronomic crop production. Subscription is free.
Andrew Kness
Agriculture Extension Agent
University of Maryland Extension
3525 Conowingo Rd., Suite 600
Street, MD 21154
(410) 638-3255
e-mail: akness@umd.edu