Health Literacy

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Updated: October 9, 2024

How do I Choose a Primary Care Provider? Ask the Right Questions (FS-1022)

After selecting a health insurance plan, it is crucial to choose a primary care provider. This factsheet will outline four steps to assist you in selecting the right one for you. Authors: Virginia Brown, updated by Jesse Ketterman and Suzanne Cooke; Title: How do I Choose a Primary Care Provider? Ask the Right Questions (FS-1022).
Updated: October 4, 2024

Health Insurance Protects and Provides for You and Your Family (EBR-41)

Being physically and financially healthy is important for you and your family. Health insurance is a way to manage and reduce the risk of getting sick and becoming injured as well as provide greater income security. Health insurance gives you access to preventive services like screenings and check-ups that are helpful if you develop a chronic condition or become injured. If a health problem happens, the results can be costly. Health insurance helps reduce and manage risks, especially the financial one. Authors: Mia Russell, Virginia Brown, Bonnie Braun, Lynn Little, Maria Pippidis. Updated by Carrie Sorenson, and Lynn Matava. Title: Health Insurance Protects and Provides for You and Your Family (EBR-41).
Updated: November 20, 2023

Legalized Recreational Marijuana Use in Maryland (FS-2023-0670)

This publication provides an overview of marijuana (cannabis) and its effects on the body and overall health. The article also discusses contamination issues and provides resources for further research. Authors: Nili Lang, Emma Kniola, and Alexander Chan; Title: Legalized Recreational Marijuana Use in Maryland (FS-2023-0670)
Updated: November 3, 2023

Does Your Health Insurance Plan Cover Nutrition Counseling? (FS-2023-0677)

Working with a nutrition professional can be a great way to maintain or improve your health. However, it can be confusing to decide who you want to see and determine how to pay for these visits. This factsheet will help you: (1) identify reasons you might want to work with a nutrition professional., (2) understand the different types of nutrition professionals about their credentials, educational backgrounds, and areas of expertise. (3) learn how to determine whether your health insurance covers visits with a nutrition professional and the potential costs of accessing these services. This information can help you access the professionals you need to support your health and wellness while keeping your out-of-pocket costs as low as possible. Authors: Alvin Douglas, Catherine Sorenson, and Dr. Shauna Henley; Title: Does Your Health Insurance Plan Cover Nutrition Counseling? (FS-2023-0677)
Updated: August 16, 2022

Medical Credit: Safety Net or Debt Trap? (FS-1087)

Paying for health care can be a struggle, even if you have insurance. Many doctors and dentists now offer a special medical credit card to pay for services. However, medical credit card interest and fees can be very expensive. They add extra costs to medical care when money is already tight. Authors: Dorothy Nuckols and Priscilla Graves; Title: Medical Credit: Safety Net or Debt Trap?
Updated: August 10, 2022

How to Report a Foodbourne Illness in Maryland

The purpose of this fact sheet is to 1) give consumers addtional information on whom to contact when sick, 2) how a sick person would be diagnosed, and 3) the questions your health care provider may ask. The fact sheet also provides a list of Maryland Health Departments, how reporting is important to your community and how this data is used, and lastly an optional list of foodbourne pathogens most problematic in Maryland
Updated: December 20, 2021

Recognizing and Preventing Avian Pox in Small Flocks (FS-979)

Avian pox is a viral disease that can occur in two forms: dry or skin (cutaneous) and the wet (or diphtheritic) form. Mortality is usually low (1%-5%), however, severe cases of wet pox can result in much higher mortality
Fowl Pox - Wet and Dry