2025 Western Maryland Regional Fruit Meeting
- Reminder for Managing Caneborers, Strawberry Rootworm, and Sap Beetles (PDF)
Kelly Hamby, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist
- Climate Change in the Orchard:Dealing with Warmer, Wetter, Windier, Wackier Weather
Christopher Walsh and Kathleen Hunt, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
University of Maryland
2023 Western Maryland Regional Fruit Meeting
- Introductions & Program Overview [slide deck pdf]
Dr. Joseph Fiola, Specialist in Viticulture and Small Fruit, University of Maryland Extension (UME), WMREC, Keedysville, MD.
- Nutrient Management Update & Recertification [slide deck pdf]
Ashby Ruddle Nutrient Management Specialist, MDA, Region 1: Allegany, Garrett, and Washington Counties.
- Pesticide Regulatory Update & Recertification [slide deck pdf]
Rob Hofstetter, Program Manager, Pesticide Regulation Section, MDA, Annapolis, MD.
- Making Value-Added Products from Specialty Crops Legally [slide deck pdf]
Margaret (Megan) Todd, JD. Legal Research Associate, ALEI, UMD.
- Thornless Blackberry Varieties for Maryland Production [slide deck pdf]
Dr. Alan W. Leslie. Agriculture Extension Agent. UME of Charles County.
- Updates on New and Existing Fungicides for Small Fruit Disease Management [slide deck pdf]
Dr. Mengjun Hu, Assistant Professor, Plant Pathology, PSLA, UMD.
- Biological Control Updates for SWD Management [slide deck pdf]
Dr. Kelly Hamby, Associate Professor/Extension Specialist, Entomology, UMD.
- Reassessing Mating Disruption for Key Lepidopteran Pests in Non-compliant Apple Blocks [slide deck pdf]
Dr. Laura Nixon, Visiting Scientist, Entomology, USDA-ARS Appalachian Fruit Research Station.
- Traceability & Food Safety Program [slide deck pdf]
Carol Allen, Agent Associate in Food Safety, PSLA, UMD.
- Breeding New Apple Trees for Maryland; Combining Heat and Fireblight Tolerance with Reduced Pruning and Training Needs [slide deck pdf]
Dr. Chris Walsh, Emeritus Professor, PSLA, UMD.
- Production of Blueberry Fruit Using Containerized, Primocane-Fruiting Plants, Under Protected Cultivation [slide deck pdf]
Dr. Chris Walsh, Emeritus Professor, PSLA, UMD.
Special thanks to our sponsors