Updated: December 1, 2022

Welcome to the Maryland Niche Meats and Poultry Producers Online Directory!

This directory is developed jointly by the Niche Meat and Poultry Producers and the Ag Marketing Program of the University of Maryland Extension. This directory serves as a way to connect buyers, consumers,  producers, and market masters to fresh, high-quality farm-raised meats from Maryland producers. For ease of aggregating suppliers, this directory has been organized by product, though many producers offer multiple products. If a listing includes “USDA,” it applies only to Beef, Bison, Chevon, Lamb, and Pork.

Please click on the icons/links below to access the list of producers by product.

This directory is part of the Maryland Niche Meats and Poultry Working Group Initiative.  To learn more >>

If you would like your listing in the directory or need to update it, please click on the submission form button below.

Submission Form


This directory does not replace other listings or directories but supplements them as a varietal sourcing list. The mention of, visual representation, or referred reference to a product, service, or organization in this directory does not imply endorsement by the author or any of the partners. The exclusion does not imply a negative evaluation. Descriptions are provided by the supplier, and not verified or monitored by the University of Maryland Extension.

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Alternative Sources of Payment
Choosing Distribution Methods
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
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Internet Sales
Marketing to Restaurants and Food Retailers
Maryland Niche Meats & Poultry Working Group
Selling a Service
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When Advertising is a Waste of Resources

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