Harvesting corn
Updated: December 1, 2021

2021 Maryland Corn Hybrid Performance Tests

Test Procedures

The University of Maryland offers a fee-based, corn hybrid performance testing program to local and national seed companies. The results from these replicated trials provide agronomic performance information about corn hybrids tested at five locations in Maryland considered representative of the state’s geography and weather conditions. Table 1 summarizes the agronomic and production information for each test site.

Hybrids tested in 2021 were entered by participating seed companies, listed in Table 2, that were solicited for submission of hybrids. These hybrids represented those currently available for purchase to experimental lines still under evaluation. Select Dekalb, Mid-Atlantic Seed, and Pioneer hybrids were identified for use as checks in the test. The inclusion of the performance data for check hybrids that are proven performers in the Mid-Atlantic region allows comparisons of newer hybrids to proven hybrids.

During 2021, 71 hybrids were tested using three maturity groups: early season (11 hybrids, Table 5), mid-season (24 hybrids, Table 6), and full season (36 hybrids, Table 7). Each company designated maturity group assignments for hybrids they submitted. Check hybrids were included in each of the five tests. All hybrid genetic traits and seed treatments are listed in Tables 5-7.

Each hybrid was replicated three times per location. Planting was done with a modified, four-row John Deere 1750 planter equipped with coulters and trash wheels for no-till planting. The modified planter units were manufactured by Clewell Precision Machine, Inc. Milton, PA. Each plot was four rows spaced 30 inches apart. Target population was 30,000 seeds per acre at dryland locations and 34,500 seeds per acre at the irrigated location (Salisbury Facility). Plot harvest length was approximately 32 feet. Harvest stand and number of lodged plants were counted within two weeks of harvest. The center two rows of each plot were harvested with an Almaco R1 research combine (Almaco Co., Nevada, IA). Grain yield, harvest moisture, and test weight were measured for each plot. These data were collected with a Seed Spector LRX system (Almaco Co., Nevada, IA) and recorded on Microsoft xTablet T1600.

Test Results

The overall performance across the locations for the hybrids in each maturity group is reported in Tables 8-10. Hybrid performance at individual locations can be found in Tables 11-25. The agronomic characteristics reported are yield, in bushels/acre corrected to 15% moisture content, harvest moisture content, percent lodging, test weight (lb/bu) at 15% moisture, and harvest population.

Good weather in 2021 was a welcome change from the events of 2020. Generally, yields were good across the state, with some isolated pockets experiencing challenging conditions. Planting and harvest was timely this year with yields averaged across the five locations for early (11), mid- (24), and full-season (36) varieties at 217 bu/ac, 234 bu/ac, and 244 bu/ac respectively. These yields were 28%, 29%, and 32%, respectively, to those observed for early, mid-, and full-season hybrids in 2020.

A least significant difference (LSD) value is reported for each test where statistical significant differences (P ≤ 0.1) for a variable were observed among hybrids. The mean separation value has been calculated at the 10% probability level (LSD0.1). The LSD can be used to compare two hybrids within the same test. For example, when the yield difference between two hybrids is greater than the LSD value, there is a 90% certainty that the difference in yield is real rather than due to random variability. The coefficient of variation (CV) is a measure of the variability that existed at a test site. It is used as an indicator of the degree of precision for a test. In general, CV values below 10% for yield indicate that the precision for distinguishing yield differences was very good. Generally, CV values were mostly low this year, with at least one maturity group at each location lacking power to determine differences in yield among the hybrids.

Relative Yield

The selection of a hybrid or hybrids based solely on performance at one location is not recommended. It is better to select hybrids based upon performance over a number of locations and years, if possible. In order to compare the performance of each hybrid across the five locations, relative yield tables (Tables 26-28) are included. Relative yield is the ratio of the yield of a hybrid at a location to the mean yield of all the hybrids at that location expressed in percentage. A hybrid that has a relative yield consistently greater than 100 across all testing locations is considered to have excellent stability. In 2021, 11 hybrids met this standard: Hubner H4390RC2P (early), Dekalb DKC59-82RIB (mid), Dekalb DKC61-41RIB, Hubner H09G056, Seed Consultants SC1112AM, Dekalb DKC67-94RIB (full), Dekalb DKC70-27RIB, Dyna-Gro D55VC80, Growmark FS 6306T RIB, Hubner H13G513, and Seedway SW 1579VT.


The University of Maryland Corn Testing Program would not be possible without the assistance and oversight of equipment maintenance, seed packaging, planting, data collection, and plot harvest by lead research technician, Louis Thorne. This work could not be accomplished without the assistance of research technician Joseph Crank during the season. Also, we acknowledge the undergraduate students for their assistance with seed packaging. Huge thanks go to Dr. Bob Kratochvil for his many years of work developing the protocols for the corn testing program and the undoubtable number of hours that he dedicated to the preparation of these reports. Thank you to the crews at Wye Research and Education Center and Lower Eastern Shore Research and Education Center for sharing your experience, tools, and space in your shops with Louis Thorne as he continues to keep our equipment running. Table 1 outlines the crews at each test location who assisted with land preparation, flagging, plot management, and harvest. I personally would like to acknowledge each farm manager, David Armentrout, John Draper, Ryan McDonald, and Douglas Price for their support of the corn testing program and their continued patience with me.

Additional Information

The inclusion of hybrids in these tests is not an endorsement by the University of Maryland. Advertising statements about a company’s hybrids can be made as long as they are accurate statements about the data as published. Statements similar to “See the Maryland Corn Hybrid Tests Agronomy Facts No. 54” or “Endorsement or recommendation by the University of Maryland is not implied” must accompany any reproduced information.

For more information regarding variety trials and how to interpret the results, refer to the University of Maryland Fact Sheet What do the Numbers Really Mean? Interpreting Variety Trial Results FS-1119.

Download Report

Location Soil Type and Previous Crop Fertilizer Herbicides & Insecticides Tillage Plant and Harvest Dates Farm Staff
Wye R&E Center
Queenstown, MD
Mattapex silt loam

Soybean then rye cover crop
12 April:
540 lb/ac as 4-22-18

28 April:
15 gal/ac as 20-13-0

7 June:
52 gal/ac as 30% UAN

13 Apr Pre-Plant:
Gly Star Plus @ 1 qt/ac

3 May Pre-Emerge:
Atrazine 4L @ 1 qt/ac
Corvus @ 5.6 oz/ac
Princep 4L @ 1 qt/ac
No tillage with use of trash wheels on planter Plant
28 April
23 September (early)
28 September (mid, full)
John Draper
Thomas Eason
Lower Eastern Shore R&E Center
Poplar Hill Facility
Quantico, MD
Nassawango silt loam

Soybean then wheat cover crop
14 April:
400 lb/ac as 9-0-36-9S

6 May:
16 gal/ac as 19-19-0-B-Zn

8 June:
44 gal/ac as 30% UAN

6 April Pre-Plant:
Gramoxone @ 1 qt/ac
2-4D Ester @ 1 pt/ac
80/20 Scanner @ 6 fl oz/ac

6 May Pre-Emerge:
LexarEZ @ 3 qt/ac

9 June Post-Emerge:
RoundUp @ 1 qt/ac
Aatrex 90 @ 0.5 lb/ac
No tillage with use of trash wheels on planter Plant
6 May

7 October
David Armentrout

Vivian Calder

Jordan Miller

Fred Senkbeil
Lower Eastern Shore R&E Center
Salisbury Facility
Salisbury, MD
Rosedale loamy sand

Soybean then wheat cover crop
13 April:
446 lb/a as 9-0-36-9S

6 May:
15 gal/ac as 19-13-0-0.13S

24 May:
30.7 gal/ac as 30% UAN

7 June:
30.7 gal/ac as 30% UAN

14 April Pre-Plant:
Gramoxone @ 1qt/ac
2,4D Ester @ 1pt/ac
80/20 Scanner @ 6 fl oz/ac

6 May Pre-Emerge:
LexarEZ @ 3 qt/ac

7 June Post-Emerge:
RoundUp @ 1 qt/ac
Aatrex90 @ 0.5 lb/ac
No tillage with use of trash wheels on planter Plant
6 May

11 October
David Armentrout

Vivian Calder

David Long

James Lynch

Jordan Miller

Fred Senkbeil
Central Maryland R&E Center
Clarksville Facility
Clarksville, MD
Glenelg loam

6 April:
8000 gal/ac liquid manure
Approx. 28-126-42
22 April:
204 lb/ac as 15-0-29-7.4S-0.25B

7 May:
40 gal/ac as 30% UAN

12 May:
15 gal/ac as 19-13-0-0.13S

18 April Pre-Plant:
Roundup Pwr Max @ 1.5 qt/ac
2,4-D LV4 @ 1 qt/ac
Surfactant @ 1 qt/100 gal

7 May Pre-Emerge:
Acuron @ 2.5 qt/ac
Atrazine 4L @ 1 qt/ac
Solera @ 1 qt/ac
Surfactant 80/20 @1 qt/100 gal

17 June Post-Emerge:
Status @ 5 oz/ac
Surfactant 80/20 @ 1 qt/100gal
No tillage with use of trash wheels on planter Plant
12 May

19 October
Ryan McDonald

Michael Gray
Western Maryland R&E Center
Keedysville, MD
Swanpond – Funkstown silt loam

Cover crop
7 Apr

13 May
35 gal/ac of 30% UAN

15 May Pre-Emerge:
Acuron @ 2.5 qt/ac
Atrazine 4L @ 1 qt/ac
Weedone LV4 @ 1pt/ac
Paraquat Conc. @ 1.5 pt/ac
No tillage with use of trash wheels on planter Plant
12 May

20 October
Douglas Price

David Wyand


Brand Address
Augusta P.O. Box 899, Verona, VA 24482
800 N. Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63167
Dyna-Gro Nutrien Ag Solution, 396 Washington St., Boydton, VA 23917
Growmark FS 1701 Towanda Ave., Bloomington, IL 61701
Hubner Hubner Seed Company, 306 North Main St., Monticello, IN 47960
Local Seed Company 802 Rozelle St., Memphis, TN 38104
Mid-Atlantic Seeds Mid-Atlantic Seeds, 316 N Albemarle St., York, PA 17402
NK Brand Syngenta Seeds, 4013 Fairmount Pike, Signal Mountain, TN 37377
Pioneer DuPont-Pioneer, PO Box 1000, Johnston, IA 50131
Seed Consultants 648 Miami Trace Rd SW, Washington Court House, OH 43160
SeedKoz 1725 Windward Concourse, Suite 410, Alpharetta, GA 30005
Seedway 1734 Railroad Pl, Hall, NY 14463


Month Wye Poplar Hill Salisbury¹ Keedysville Clarksville
April 2.66 1.82 2.63 (0) 2.04 1.81
May 3.64 2.82 4.04 (0.2) 3.52 3.46
June 2.55 4.8 2.58 (1.2) 3.68 1.61
July 2.60 5.27 5.04 (2.7) 3.26 2.14
August 6.58 7.23 5.5 (0.3) 2.02 2.26
September 2.24 3.45 2.34 (0) 7.52 4.19
2021 Total (6 mos.) 20.27 25.39 22.96 22.04 15.47
Long Term Average² 27.39 23.07 25.28 21.04 21.06

¹The number in parenthesis following precipitation for each month indicates the amount of supplemental irrigation applied.

²Long term average precipitation is for the follow number of years at each location: Wye=22; Poplar Hill = 21; Salisbury = 32; Keedysville = 41; Clarksville =12

Abbreviation Description
Acceleron Seed treatment for nematode and insect protection and soil/seed-borne fungal pathogens with the number referring to the concentration of the insecticide used
AM Insect protection with YieldGard corn stalk borer gene, protection against European corn borer, LL, RR2
Avicta Complete Corn Nematacide/insecticide/fungicide seed treatment combination
BL Broad Lepidopteran
Bt Contains a Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) event for protection against European corn borer
CB Hybrid trait providing resistance to corn borer
Cruiser/C250 Seed treatment to provide protection against broad spectrum of insect pests
Droughtgard (DG) Double Pro Contains drought-tolerant biotechnology trait and dual modes of protection against corn earworm and other above-ground pests
GT3VIP Contains Viptera (provides protection against aboveground insects and has glufosinate (Liberty) herbicide tolerance
LL Refers to glufosinate (Liberty) herbicide tolerance
Lumigen Pioneer proprietary seed treatment
P/V 1250 Combination of Poncho and Votivo with the number referring to the concentration of the insecticide used
Poncho 500 An insecticide seed treatment with the number referring to the concentration of the insecticide used.
Q (Qrome) Dual modes of action, defend against above- and below-ground pests, Bt protein and HX and HX1 genes.
Radius 500 Seed treatment for nematode and insect protection with the number referring to the concentration of the insecticide used
RR, RR2 Has glyphosate herbicide tolerance
RW Provides control of corn rootworm
Trecepta Protection against European corn borer, broad Lepidopteran plus glyphosate and glufosinate herbicide tolerance
VT2P, VT2PRO Contains RR2 gene and YieldGard corn stalk borer gene
VT2PDGRIB Contains RR2 gene, YieldGard corn stalk borer gene, Drought Gard gene, and non-Bt seed blended in the bag creating refuge in the bag
VT2PRIB Contains RR2 gene and YieldGard corn stalk borer gene and non-Bt seed blended in the bag creating refuge in the bag


Brand/Company Hybrid Name Relative Maturity Genetic Traits Seed Treatment
Dekalb DKC55-85RIB 105 VT2PRIB A500 Elite
Dekalb DKC56-15RIB 106 TRERIB A500 Elite
Dekalb DKC56-65RIB 106 SSRIB A500 Elite
Dekalb DKC58-64RIB 108 SSRIB A500 Elite
Hubner H05G716 105 Drought gard, double pro Poncho 500
Hubner H4390RC2P 108 Double pro Poncho 500
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8039 103 VT2PRIB  
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8042 104 SS A250
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8056 105 VT2PRIB A250
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8064 106 VT2P A250
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8106 106 VT2PRIB A250
Pioneer P0843AM 108 AM Lumigen
Seed Consultants SC1071AM 107 RR, LL P/V
Seedway SW 6540GENVT2P 107 Bt, RR Acceleron
Brand/Company Hybrid Name Relative Maturity Genetic Traits Seed Treatment
Augusta A1961 111 Trecepta Cruiser 250
Augusta A2362 112 VT2Pro Cruiser 250
Dekalb DKC59-82RIB 109 VT2PRIB A500 Elite
Dekalb DKC61-41RIB 111 VT2PRIB A500 Elite
Dekalb DKC62-53RIB 112 VT2PRIB A500 Elite
Dekalb DKC62-70RIB 112 VT2PRIB A500 Elite
Dekalb DKC62-89RIB 112 TRERIB A500 Elite
Hubner H09G056 109 Drought Gard, double pro Poncho 500
Hubner H4321RC2P 109 Double pro Poncho 500
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8091 109 VT2PRIB A250
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8110 110 TRECRIB A250
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8119 111 DGVT2PRIB A250
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8128 112 VT2PRIB  
MorCorn MC 3952 109 VT2P A1250
MorCorn MC 4255 112 VT2P A1250
Pioneer P1077AM 110 AM Lumigen
Seed Consultants SC1092AM 109 RR, LL P/V
Seed Consultants SC1112AM 111 RR, LL P/V
Seed Consultants SC1122Q 112 RR, LL P/V
Seedway SW 6790GENVT2P 112 Bt, RR Acceleron
Syngenta NK 1026-5332 110 BT,RW BL Avicta Complete Corn 500 + Vibrance
Syngenta NK 1082-5222 110 BT,RW,BL Avicta Complete Corn 500 + Vibrance
Brand/Company Hybrid Name Relative Maturity Genetic Traits Seed Treatment
Augusta A3363 113 VT2PRIB A500 Elite
Dekalb DKC64-65RIB 114 SSRIB A500 Elite
Dekalb DKC65-84RIB 115 VT2PRIB A500 Elite
Dekalb DKC67-44RIB 117 TRERIB A500 Elite
Dekalb DKC67-94RIB 117 VT2PRIB A500 Elite
Dekalb DKC70-27RIB 120 BT, RR Acceleron 500
Dyna-Gro D54VC14 114 BT, RR Acceleron 500
FS FS 65R87VT2P 115 Drought gard, double pro Poncho 500
Hubner H13G513 113 Double Pro Poncho 250
Hubner H4663RC2P 113 Double Pro Poncho 250
Hubner H4744RC2P 113 Double Pro Poncho 250
Hubner H4763RC2P 115 Double Pro Poncho 500
Hubner H4828RC2P 116 Double Pro Poncho 250
Hubner H4890RC2P 117 Double Pro Poncho 500
Local Seed Co LC1307 TCRIB 113 CB/RR Radius 500
Local Seed Co LC1407 VT2PRIB 114 CB/RR Radius 500
Local Seed Co LC1506 VT2PRIB 115 BL/CB/RR Radius 500
Local Seed Co LC1616 TCRIB 116 GT3VIP C250
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5155 115 DCEZVIP C250
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5161 116 VT2PRIB A250
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8132 113 DGVT2PRIB  
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8141 114 SSRIB A250
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8158 115 Trecepta A1250
MorCorn MC 4311 113 VT2P A1250
MorCorn MC 4319 113 Q Lumigen
Pioneer P1587Q 115 RR, LL P/V
Seed Consultants SC1158AM 115 Bt, RR Acceleron
Seedway SW 1579VT 115 BL,BT Avicta Complete Corn 500 + Vibrance
Syngenta NK 1677-3110 116 BL,BT Avicta Complete Corn 500 + Vibrance
Syngenta NK 1748-3110 117 VT2PRIB A500 Elite
Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)²
    2021 2020        
Dekalb DKC55-85RIB 212 156 184 17.3 0.1 58.1
Dekalb DKC56-15RIB 213 - - 17.8 0.5 60.4
Dekalb DKC56-65RIB 210 - - 18.2 0 59.5
Dekalb DKC58-64RIB 217 - - 17.9 0.2 60.8
Hubner H05G716 209 154 181 17.0 0.3 59.9
Hubner H4390RC2P 228* 174 201 18.9 0.2 58.9
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8039 207 - - 16.8 0 62.2
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8042 213 - - 18.0 0.7 59.9
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8056 200 - - 17.0 0.5 60.8
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8064 230* - - 18.0 0.6 60.4
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8106 227* - - 18.4 0.3 59.5
Pioneer P0843AM 226* 165 195 18.7 0.6 59.9

Seed Consultants








Seedway SW 6540GENVT2P 207 - - 18.2 0.7 60.1
Trial Mean (5 Locations) 217 157   17.9 0.4 60.0
Probability > F 0.0242        
LSD. 19        

¹See Table 5 for trait designations for early season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks included with funding from Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board.
⁵NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)²
    2021 2020        
Augusta A1961 241 - - 18.5 0.1 58.3  
Augusta A2362 234 - - 19.3 0.1 58.3
Dekalb DKC59-82RIB 244 180 212 18.3 0.3 58.8
Dekalb DKC61-41RIB 246* 174 210 18.5 0 57.2
Dekalb DKC62-53RIB 231 166 198 18.8 0 59.2
Dekalb DKC62-70RIB 242 - - 19.5 0 61.4
Dekalb DKC62-89RIB 235 - - 19.8 0.3 58.2
FS FS 6017V RIB 238 - - 18.3 0.2 58.0
FS FS 6202V RIB 240 - - 18.6 0.2 59.2
Hubner H09G056 247* 171 209 18.2 0 58.1
Hubner H4321RC2P 236 160 198 18.4 0.3 58.2
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8091 234 166 200 19.0 0.4 58.6

Mid-Atlantic Seeds








Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8119 248* - - 18.7 0 59.4
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8128 233 - - 18.6 0.5 59.7
MorCorn MC 3952 236 167 201 18.1 0.4 59.0
MorCorn MC 4255 238 166 202 18.3 0 58.8
Pioneer P1077AM 226 - - 18.9 0 59.5
Seed Consultants SC1092AM 228 - - 18.9 0.5 59.3
Seed Consultants SC1112AM 245* - - 19.3 1.1 59.6
Seed Consultants SC1122Q 237 - - 19.6 0.1 59.6
Seedway SW 6790GENVT2P 236 - - 18.5 0 59.5
Syngenta NK 1026-5332 224 - - 18.9 0.3 57.4
Syngenta NK 1082-5222 222 166 194 19.1 0.1 57.6
Trial Mean (5 Locations) 238 167   18.8 0.2 58.8
Probability > F 0.003        
LSD. 13        

¹See Table 6 for trait designations for mid-season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks included with funding from Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (highlighted in blue) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moist % Lodging³ % Test Wt. (lb/bu)²
      2021 2020    
Augusta A3363 249* - - 20.1 0 58.1
Dekalb DKC64-65RIB 244 - - 19.8 0.1 58.5
Dekalb DKC65-84RIB 241 - - 10.1 0 57.6
Dekalb DKC67-44RIB 256* 172 214 20.2 0 60.0
Dekalb DKC67-94RIB 256* - - 20.7 0.5 59.9









Dyna-Gro D54VC14 250* 173 211 19.7 0.3 59.6
Dyna-Gro D55VC80 255* 173 214 20.2 0.1 58.6
FS FS 6306T RIB 254* - - 19.1 0.4 60.3
FS FS 6595V RIB 255* - - 20.1 0.2 57.1
FS FS 65R87VT2P 243 - - 19.8 0.9 60.1
Hubner H13G513 250* - - 19.8 0.2 58.7
Hubner H4663RC2P 243 161 202 19.3 0.4 58.5
Hubner H4744RC2P 240 174 207 20.0 0 59.4
Hubner H4763RC2P 246* 169 207 20.2 0 58.9
Hubner H4828RC2P 249* 165 207 20.1 0 59.7
Hubner H4890RC2P 235 - - 21.0 0.5 59.9
Local Seed Co LC1307 TCRIB 241 - - 19.2 0.2 58.6
Local Seed Co LC1407
243 - - 19.6 0.6 58.6
Local Seed Co LC1506
233 - - 19.3 0.6 60.8
Local Seed Co LC1616 TCRIB 242 - - 20.8 0.4 59.7
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5155 235 - - 21.8 0.8 57.5
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5161 224 - - 22.7 1.5 54.3
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8132 211 - - 20.7 0 58.5
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8141 251* - - 20.8 0.4 59.3
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8158 234 - - 20.5 0.1 60.1
MorCorn MC 4311 243 - - 18.9 0.4 59.2
MorCorn MC 4319 247* 164 205 20.3 0.2 59.9
Pioneer P1587Q 249* - - 20.5 0.1 59.6
Seed Consultants SC1158AM 246* 168 207 20.0 0.3 59.1
Seedway SW 1579VT 253* - - 20.3 0.3 58.7
Syngenta NK 1677-3110 229 - - 20.5 0 57.3
Syngenta NK 1748-3110 239 161 200 21.1 0.4 57.4
Trial Mean (5 Locations) 244 166   20.3 0.3 58.9
Probability > F <0.0001          
LSD₀.₁ 13          

¹See Table 7 for trait designations for full season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater. 4Hybrids in bold are checks included with funding from Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          
Dekalb DKC55-85RIB 217 198 207 19.4 0 57.3 29040
Dekalb DKC56-15RIB 190 - - 19.7 0 59.3 32645
Dekalb DKC56-65RIB 197 - - 20.4 0 58.9 33045
Dekalb DKC58-64RIB 196 - - 19.8 0 60.1 32244
Hubner H05G716 199 179 189 18.2 0 61.4 32645
Hubner H4390RC2P 206 215 210 21.4 0 57.2 21844
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8039 203 - - 18.0 0 62.6 32244
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8042 193 - - 19.9 3.1 59.2 33045
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8056 198 - - 17.6 0 59.3 30642
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8064 218 - - 18.8 1.3 59.5 31844
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8106 203 - - 19.1 1.3 59.5 31844
Pioneer P0843AM 203 202 202 21.3 0 58.1 33446
Seed Consultants SC1071AM 213 205 209 20.9 0 58.9 29841
Seedway SW 6540GENVT2P 209 - - 20.8 0 58.4 32645
Trial Mean 203 184   19.7 0.3 59.2 31901
Probability > F 0.4694 -   <0.0001 0.5243 <0.0001 0.4060
LSD₀.₁ NS⁵ -   0.5 NS⁵ 0.9 NS⁵
CV% 8.5 -   6.2 491 2.6 6.7

¹See Table 5 for trait designations for early season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
3Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
³Hybrids in bold are checks included with funding from Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          
Augusta A1961 222 - - 19.4 0 56.9 31844
Augusta A2362 219 - - 20.7 0 56.1 32645
Dekalb DKC59-82RIB 224 218 221 19.8 0 56.3 33045
Dekalb DKC61-41RIB 234* 219 226 19.4 0 55.7 33246
Dekalb DKC62-53RIB 215 200 207 19.8 0 57.5 31644
Dekalb DKC62-70RIB 232 - - 20.8 0 58.2 33246
Dekalb DKC62-89RIB 229 - - 21.6 0 55.3 32645
FS FS 6017V RIB 237* - - 19.1 0 55.8 31043
FS FS 6202V RIB 228 - - 19.5 0 52.2 31643
Hubner H09G056 236* 212 224 18.9 0 55.9 34247
Hubner H4321RC2P 217 214 215 19.9 0 56.6 33246
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8091 218 202 210 19.7 0 57.2 32445

Mid-Atlantic Seeds









Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8119 225 - - 20.0 0 57.2 34648
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8128 216 - - 19.4 0 58.4 33045
MorCorn MC 3952 236* 131 183 18.8 0 57.5 33446
MorCorn MC 4255 222 209 215 20.5 0 56.5 32845
Pioneer P1077AM 209 - - 19.9 0 57.6 32645
Seed Consultants SC1092AM 209 - - 20.3 0 56.4 28239
Seed Consultants SC1112AM 224 - - 20.7 0 56.9 31443
Seed Consultants SC1122Q 224 - - 20.5 0 56.3 33646
Seedway SW 6790GENVT2P 222 - - 19.2 0 58.6 34047
Syngenta NK 1026-5332 214 - - 19.7 0 55.0 32845
Syngenta NK 1082-5222 201 197 199 20.5 0 55.1 32845
Trial Mean 223 204   19.9 0 56.7 32703
Probability > F 0.0045     <0.0001 - <0.0001 0.0044
LSD₀.₁ 16     0.7 - 1.0 1998
CV% 7.0     4.0 - 2.0 5.4

¹See Table 7 for trait designations for mid-season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks included with funding from Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          
Augusta A3363 240* - - 20.7 0 56.1 32044
Dekalb DKC64-65RIB 230 - - 21.4 0.6 55.4 32845
Dekalb DKC65-84RIB 221 - - 20.8 0 56.9 30842
Dekalb DKC67-44RIB 246* 215 230 21.2 0 57.4 32445










Dekalb DKC70-27RIB 227 208 217 22.8 0 54.9 33246
Dyna-Gro D54VC14 223 222 222 20.2 0 57.6 32845
Dyna-Gro D55VC80 236* 209 222 20.5 0 57.3 31844
FS FS 6306T RIB 236* - - 20.0 0 57.0 34648
FS FS 6595V RIB 222 - - 20.4 0 56.7 32044
FS FS 65R87VT2P 225 - - 20.3 0 58.8 30442
Hubner H13G513 233* - - 20.4 0 56.0 32645
Hubner H4663RC2P 236* 206 221 20.5 0 56.3 32244
Hubner H4744RC2P 220 206 213 20.4 0 58.2 32645
Hubner H4763RC2P 231 200 215 21.1 0 57.4 31443
Hubner H4828RC2P 238* 196 217 21.1 0 56.7 31443
Hubner H4890RC2P 228 - - 21.8 0 56.7 31844
Local Seed Co LC1307 TCRIB 221 - - 19.9 0 57.6 31243
Local Seed Co LC1407 VT2PRIB 244* - - 19.8 0 58.1 32745
Local Seed Co LC1506 VT2PRIB 231 - - 20.5 0 59.1 29440
Local Seed Co LC1616 TCRIB 219 - - 21.7 0 56.9 34247
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5155 222 - - 22.6 0 55.1 32445
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5161 204 - - 23.6 0 51.6 30642
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8132 224 - - 22.0 0 55.5 30442
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8141 232 - - 21.5 0 56.0 33045
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8158 225 - - 21.8 0 57.7 31644
MorCorn MC 4311 228 - - 19.9 0 57.9 32645
MorCorn MC 4319 235* 207 221 21.6 0 56.0 32445
Pioneer P1587Q 213 - - 21.3 0 56.3 32445
Seed Consultants SC1158AM 221 235 228 21.2 0 55.9 31243
Seedway SW 1579VT 237* - - 20.7 0 56.7 33045
Syngenta NK 1677-3110 196 - - 21.6 0 55.2 32845
Syngenta NK 1748-3110 210 192 201 22.3 0 53.5 31844
Trial Mean 227 203   21.1 0.02 56.5 32147
Probability > F 0.0015 -   <0.0001 0.4861 <0.0001 0.2270
LSD₀.₁ 17 -   0.7 NS⁵ 1.2 NS⁵
CV% 8.1 -   4.8 995 2.9 5.6

¹See Table 7 for trait designations for mid-season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks included with funding from Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          
Dekalb DKC55-85RIB 223 139 181 17.8 0 54.7 26136










Dekalb DKC56-65RIB 226 - - 18.3 0 58.9 30008
Dekalb DKC58-64RIB 234* - - 18.3 0 59.0 28266
Hubner H05G716 225 149 187 17.5 0 57.7 32525
Hubner H4390RC2P 243* 175 209 18.9 0 57.9 30976
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8039 222 - - 17.1 0 60.5 24684
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8042 230 - - 17.9 0 59.6 30589
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8056 200 - - 17.7 0 58.3 27298
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8064 229 - - 18.4 1.3 58.4 30008
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8106 235* - - 18.5 0 57.2 28169
Pioneer P0843AM 230 169 199 18.8 0 58.7 30008
Seed Consultants SC1071AM 249* 154 201 19.0 0 57.7 29234
Seedway SW 6540GENVT2P 235* - - 18.3 0 59.9 30202
Trial Mean 231 150   18.2 0.1 58.4 29534
Probability > F 0.0087 -   <0.0001 0.0027 0.0944 0.0326
LSD₀.₁ 18 -   0.4 0.5 NS 3452
CV% 7.3 -   3.0 441 3.5 10.7

¹See Table 5 for trait designations for early season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          
Augusta A1961 259* - - 19.3 0 55.6 31170
Augusta A2362 229 - - 19.9 0 56.2 31557
Dekalb DKC59-82RIB 250* 179 214 19.0 0 56.6 33299
Dekalb DKC61-41RIB 250* 179 214 19.2 0 54.4 30976
Dekalb DKC62-53RIB 227 148 187 18.9 0 56.7 27878
Dekalb DKC62-70RIB 243* - - 19.3 0 60.2 29814
Dekalb DKC62-89RIB 243* - - 20.2 0 55.2 31363
FS FS 6017V RIB 238 - - 18.6 0 56.5 28459
FS FS 6202V RIB 247* - - 19.4 0 56.6 31170
Hubner H09G056 256* 155 205 18.6 0 55.3 33493
Hubner H4321RC2P 238 162 200 18.5 0 57.2 33299
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8091 242 153 197 20.1 0 56.3 31944
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8110 260* - - 19.6 0 56.1 28266
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8119 248* - - 19.1 0 54.2 31363
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8128 242 - - 18.4 0 57.8 30782
MorCorn MC 3952 237 189 213 18.6 0 57.1 30395
MorCorn MC 4255 250* 165 207 20.3 0 55.6 32331
Pioneer P1077AM 224 - - 19.3 0 57.3 30976
Seed Consultants SC1092AM 225 - - 18.8 0 57.0 29427

Seed Consultants









Seed Consultants SC1122Q 250* - - 19.9 0 56.2 31170
Seedway SW 6790GENVT2P 233 - - 18.7 0 58.0 30976
Syngenta NK 1026-5332 232 - - 18.3 0 56.0 31750
Syngenta NK 1082-5222 225 154 189 19.8 0 54.6 29621
Trial Mean 242 162   19.2 0 56.4 30944
Probability > F 0.0079 -   <0.0001 - 0.0055 0.4307
LSD₀.₁ 18 -   0.6 - 2.0 NS⁵
CV% 6.4 -   3.7 - 3.0 8.3

¹See Table 7 for trait designations for mid-season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          
Augusta A3363 254* - - 20.2 0 55.6 28846










Dekalb DKC65-84RIB 235 - - 20.5 0 55.1 29234
Dekalb DKC67-44RIB 235 192 213 20.7 0 56.3 28653
Dekalb DKC67-94RIB 243* - - 21.1 0 54.8 30395
Dekalb DKC70-27RIB 260* 180 220 22.0 0 57.2 32331
Dyna-Gro D54VC14 256* 187 221 19.8 0 58.0 29766
Dyna-Gro D55VC80 253* 191 222 20.5 0 54.9 26523
FS FS 6306T RIB 254* - - 19.6 0.7 58.3 29234
FS FS 6595V RIB 256* - - 20.5 0 57.2 29621
FS FS 65R87VT2P 250* - - 19.6 0 56.7 29621
Hubner H13G513 244* - - 20.1 0 54.7 29234
Hubner H4663RC2P 243* 161 202 19.1 0 56.3 33493
Hubner H4744RC2P 249* 183 216 20.4 0 55.7 27491
Hubner H4763RC2P 234 203 218 20.4 0 55.3 28846
Hubner H4828RC2P 253* 176 214 20.7 0 55.9 30782
Hubner H4890RC2P 214 - - 21.0 0 56.0 27878
Local Seed Co LC1307 TCRIB 238 - - 19.1 0 56.3 28070
Local Seed Co LC1407 VT2PRIB 249* - - 19.4 0 56.8 31170
Local Seed Co LC1506 VT2PRIB 228 - - 19.3 0 57.2 27104
Local Seed Co LC1616 TCRIB 249* - - 20.5 0 57.4 21750
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5155 239 - - 22.5 0 55.4 30008
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5161 202 - - 22.6 0 51.3 24587
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8132 190 - - 20.4 0 57.1 25362
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8141 242* - - 21.8 0 54.9 29040
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8158 232 - - 21.0 0 56.9 31944
MorCorn MC 4311 250* - - 19.4 0 56.1 29427
MorCorn MC 4319 241 186 213 20.7 0 56.3 29621










Seed Consultants SC1158AM 253* 170 211 19.8 0 55.3 28845
Seedway SW 1579VT 250* - - 20.6 0 55.8 31750
Syngenta NK 1677-3110 251* - - 20.9 0 55.1 31170
Syngenta NK 1748-3110 259* 184 221 21.5 0 54.7 31363
Trial Mean 243 179   20.5 0.04 56.0 29598
Probability > F <0.001 -   <0.0001 0.5070 0.0127 0.4481
LSD₀.₁ 18 -   0.6 NS⁵ 2.2 NS
CV% 8.1 -   4.7 704 3.3 11.9

¹See Table 7 for trait designations for full season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks included with funding from Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          
Dekalb DKC55-85RIB 246 195 220 16.7 0 58.9 34848
Dekalb DKC56-15RIB 249 - - 17.7 0 59.5 36050
Dekalb DKC56-65RIB 241 - - 17.7 0 58.2 37652
Dekalb DKC58-64RIB 246 - - 17.5 0 58.8 37652
Hubner H05G716 247 176 211 17.2 0.5 57.6 40656
Hubner H4390RC2P 262 216 239 17.9 0 58.8 37251
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8039 257 - - 16.8 0 62.1 35249
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8042 240 - - 17.8 0 59.0 35649
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8056 224 - - 17.7 0.6 60.9 32645
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8064 244 - - 18.1 0 51.0 38653
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8106 247 - - 18.0 1.1 60.3 35649
Pioneer P0843AM 267 183 225 17.8 0 59.3 38253
Seed Consultants SC1071AM 259 193 226 18.0 2.5 60.0 38253
Seedway SW 6540GENVT2P 252 - - 17.9 1.0 58.1 39254
Trial Mean 249 187   17.6 0.4 59.5 36979
Probability > F 0.2412 -   <0.0001 0.3037 0.2521 0.1048
LSD₀.₁ NS⁵ -   0.4 NS NS NS
CV% 6.9 -   2.8 287 3.4 8.2

¹See Table 5 for trait designations for early season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          










Augusta A2362 261* - - 18.1 0 60.5 37652
Dekalb DKC59-82RIB 279* 212 245 17.6 0 61.0 38253
Dekalb DKC61-41RIB 277* 205 241 18.0 0 59.3 37852
Dekalb DKC62-53RIB 251 211 231 18.2 0 60.0 34648
Dekalb DKC62-70RIB 256 - - 18.5 0 62.1 35849
Dekalb DKC62-89RIB 262* - - 18.9 1.4 61.3 39054
FS FS 6017V RIB - - - - - - -
FS FS 6202V RIB 268* - - 18.1 0 60.7 34848
Hubner H09G056 274 210 242 17.8 0 58.7 41056
Hubner H4321RC2P 261* 195 228 17.8 0 60.1 40856
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8091 269* 191 230 18.0 0 51.2 36951
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8110 279* - - 18.1 1.1 62.1 37702
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8119 274* - - 17.9 0 62.1 38453
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8128 239 - - 17.9 3.5 61.2 40556
MorCorn MC 3952 253 191 222 17.7 0 59.9 37051
MorCorn MC 4255 274* 190 232 18.7 0 60.7 35849
Pioneer P1077AM 255 - - 18.4 0 60.3 36050
Seed Consultants SC1092AM 251 - - 18.6 0.6 61.1 35249
Seed Consultants SC1112AM 266* - - 18.7 3.4 62.3 38653
Seed Consultants SC1122Q 261* - - 19.3 0 60.2 40255
Seedway SW 6790GENVT2P 265* - - 17.7 0 60.9 40656
Syngenta NK 1026-5332 237 - - 17.9 1.5 59.8 38853
Syngenta NK 1082-5222 240 197 218 18.1 0.6 59.8 35248
Trial Mean 263 194   18.2 0.5 60.7 37807
Probability > F 0.0072 -   <0.0001 0.0800 0.1192 0.0399
LSD₀.₁ 20 -   0.4 NS⁵ NS 3569
CV% 6.5 -   2.9 287 2.4 7.7

¹See Table 7 for trait designations for mid-season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
⁶Did not receive enough seed, entry eliminated from this location.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (in red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          










Dekalb DKC64-65RIB 271 - - 18.9 0 61.9 36450
Dekalb DKC65-84RIB 268 - - 19.2 0 60.2 33847
Dekalb DKC67-44RIB 283* 194 238 19.2 0 62.4 35449
Dekalb DKC67-94RIB 270 - - 19.5 2.0 62.4 39204
Dekalb DKC70-27RIB 294* 203 248 20.6 0 63.1 36450
Dyna-Gro D54VC14 266 195 230 18.6 0 61.6 40055
Dyna-Gro D55VC80 269 206 237 19.2 0.9 61.3 36650
FS FS 6306T RIB 274* - - 18.0 0 62.9 39254
FS FS 6595V RIB 282* - - 19.0 1.0 63.0 37452
FS FS 65R87VT2P 270 - - 18.4 0 63.3 36851
Hubner H13G513 280* - - 18.3 0 61.6 39054
Hubner H4663RC2P 264 189 226 18.1 0.7 60.9 39054
Hubner H4744RC2P 271 212 241 18.6 0 62.3 36851
Hubner H4763RC2P 263 194 228 19.4 0 60.8 38653
Hubner H4828RC2P 281* 194 237 18.7 0 63.1 40456
Hubner H4890RC2P 253 - - 19.9 2.4 62.9 36250
Local Seed Co LC1307 TCRIB 276* - - 18.3 0 61.9 39054
Local Seed Co LC1407 VT2PRIB 250 - - 18.5 3.7 60.6 35749
Local Seed Co LC1506 VT2PRIB 262 - - 18.3 1.1 62.9 39454
Local Seed Co LC1616 TCRIB 271 - - 19.5 0 63.0 38453
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5155 254 - - 21.5 0 60.5 38453
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5161 217 - - 22.3 6.8 55.5 35449
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8132 200 - - 19.8 0 60.2 32745
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8141 274* - - 19.2 0 62.9 37552
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8158 259 - - 19.5 0.5 62.3 39655
MorCorn MC 4311 266 - - 18.3 0 61.5 39454
MorCorn MC 4319 264 194 229 19.1 0.8 63.8 37852
Pioneer P1587Q 269 - - 19.6 0.4 62.5 38303
Seed Consultants SC1158AM 253 194 223 18.8 0.5 61.5 34247
Seedway SW 1579VT 272* - - 18.9 1.1 62.9 39054
Syngenta NK 1677-3110 253 - - 19.5 0 61.1 37251
Syngenta NK 1748-3110 267 176 221 20.7 0 61.3 36250
Trial Mean 266 195   19.2 0.7 61.9 37631
Probability > F <0.0001 -   <0.0001 0.0201 0.0001 0.1791
LSD₀.₁ 17 -   0.7 2.4 1.9 NS⁵
CV% 7.3 -   5.5 289 3.2 7.8

¹See Table 7 for trait designations for full season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks included with funding from Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (in red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          
Dekalb DKC55-85RIB 154 119 136 15.9 0.7 60.3 29427
Dekalb DKC56-15RIB 168 - - 16.1 0.6 61.5 31170
Dekalb DKC56-65RIB 167 - - 16.6 0 60.7 35042
Dekalb DKC58-64RIB 181 - - 16.3 0 63.3 31944
Hubner H05G716 163 125 144 15.5 0 61.3 33880
Hubner H4390RC2P 199* 122 160 17.5 1.2 60.7 30976
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8039 154 - - 15.5 0 62.8 32525
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8042 197* - - 16.8 0 60.3 35235
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8056 173 - - 16.0 1.3 63.2 30782
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8064 215* - - 17.5 0.6 62.1 33299
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8106 214* - - 18.2 0 60.8 31750
Pioneer P0843AM 217* 132 174 17.4 0.6 61.5 34267

Seed Consultants









Seedway SW 6540GENVT 135 - - 15.9 0.6 62.2 31170
Trial Mean 184 123   16.7 0.4 61.5 32608
Probability > F 0.0037 -   <0.0001 0.7842 <0.0001 0.0421
LSD₀.₁ 38 -   0.7 NS 1.0 3026
CV% 21.6 -   6.7 243 2.0 8.0

¹1See Table 5 for trait designations for early season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (in red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          
Augusta A1961 214 - - 17.3 0.6 61.0 32525
Augusta A2362 221 - - 18.0 0.6 60.5 33880
Dekalb DKC59-82RIB 227 128 177 17.2 0 60.5 23912
Dekalb DKC61-41RIB 232 125 178 18.0 0 59.5 31557
Dekalb DKC62-53RIB 217 123 170 18.4 0 61.5 30976
Dekalb DKC62-70RIB 225 - - 18.8 0 63.2 32525
Dekalb DKC62-89RIB 217 - - 18.7 0 60.3 33299
FS FS 6017V RIB 224 - - 17.4 0.6 59.8 30202
FS FS 6202V RIB 225 - - 17.8 1.1 61.3 33106
Hubner H09G056 231 128 179 17.4 0 59.0 33299
Hubner H4321RC2P 222 119 170 17.7 0 60.0 31750
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8091 218 108 163 18.0 0 59.8 34074
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8110 230 - - 18.3 0.6 61.2 31944
Mid-Atlantic Seeds









Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8128 232 - - 18.6 0 61.2 33493
MorCorn MC 3952 217 124 170 16.9 2.1 60.4 33106
MorCorn MC 4255 215 122 168 18.0 0 60.8 30782
Pioneer P1077AM 203 - - 17.9 0 61.2 32718
Seed Consultants SC1092AM 213 - - 17.9 2.0 61.9 29040
Seed Consultants SC1112AM 225 - - 18.2 0 61.5 31557
Seed Consultants SC1122Q 227 - - 18.5 0.6 60.9 33299
Seedway SW 6790GENVT2P 221 - - 18.3 0 61.4 34267
Syngenta NK 1026-5332 212 - - 19.7 0 57.7 32138
Syngenta NK 1082-5222 217 122 169 18.0 0 59.7 31750
Trial Mean 222 123 169 18.0 0.4 60.7 32436
Probability > F 0.0163     <0.0001 0.6926 <0.0001 0.3372
LSD₀.₁ 15     0.6 NS⁵ 1.0 NS
CV% 8.2     4.4 337 2.1 6.7

¹1See Table 7 for trait designations for mid-season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (in red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          
Augusta A3363 232 - - 19.4 0 59.6 33299
Dekalb DKC64-65RIB 226 - - 19.1 0 61.0 30395
Dekalb DKC65-84RIB 237 - - 19.4 0 61.1 31170
Dekalb DKC67-44RIB 256* 114 185 19.3 0 62.5 33299
Dekalb DKC67-94RIB 252* - - 20.4 0 60.3 33493










Dyna-Gro D54VC14 251* 111 181 20.1 1.7 61.7 33686
Dyna-Gro D55VC80 250* 117 183 20.0 0 59.3 33493
FS FS 6306T RIB 250* - - 18.9 0 61.4 34267


FS 6595V RIB








FS FS 65R87VT2P 236 - - 19.9 3.3 61.6 30395
Hubner H13G513 240* - - 19.5 0 60.7 36784
Hubner H4663RC2P 220 129 174 19.6 0 58.9 32331
Hubner H4744RC2P 225 128 176 20.1 0 61.3 31557
Hubner H4763RC2P 256* 118 187 19.6 0 60.8 31750
Hubner H4828RC2P 227 114 170 19.4 0 61.9 64654
Hubner H4890RC2P 242* - - 20.9 0 61.7 34461
Local Seed Co LC1307 TCRIB 237 - - 18.3 1.3 61.5 32912
Local Seed Co LC1407 VT2PRIB 230 - - 20.5 0 59.3 32138
Local Seed Co LC1506 VT2PRIB 223 - - 19.0 0 63.5 30008
Local Seed Co LC1616 TCRIB 237 - - 20.4 0 62.7 33880
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5155 213 - - 20.9 0 60.8 32912
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5161 237 - - 22.3 0 56.4 29234
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8132 214 - - 20.2 0 61.0 27104
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8141 234 - - 20.9 2.0 60.7 32331
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8158 219 - - 19.8 0 62.5 35235
MorCorn MC 4311 218 - - 17.9 0.6 61.8 34074
MorCorn MC 4319 237 110 173 19.8 0 61.3 32525
Pioneer P1587Q 246* - - 20.6 0 60.3 34848
Seed Consultants SC1158AM 239* 113 176 20.1 1.2 60.6 33880
Seedway SW 1579VT 244* - - 20.5 0 58.8 34267
Syngenta NK 1677-3110 218 - - 19.7 0 59.0 34848
Syngenta NK 1748-3110 217 - - 20.3 0.6 59.4 32525
Trial Mean 236 118   20.0 0.3 60.7 32965
Probability > F 0.0016 -   <0.0001 0.1084 <0.0001 <0.0001
LSD₀.₁ 22 -   0.9 NS⁵ 1.5 2564
CV% 8.2 -   5.6 365 2.7 7.9

¹1See Table 7 for trait designations for full season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (in red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          
Dekalb DKC55-85RIB 221 130 175 16.6 0 59.3 29685
Dekalb DKC56-15RIB 209 - - 17.6 1.8 61.7 30976
Dekalb DKC56-65RIB 221 - - 17.8 0 61.0 30607
Dekalb DKC58-64RIB 229 - - 17.7 1.3 62.9 29317
Hubner H05G716 211 139 175 16.7 1.2 61.4 31713
Hubner H4390RC2P 232 144 188 19.0 0 59.7 30976
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8039 203 - - 16.9 0 62.6 27288
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8042 205 - - 17.4 0.6 61.4 31529
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8056 202 - - 16.3 0.6 62.1 28210
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8064 244* - - 17.4 0 60.8 29870
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8106 245* - - 18.3 0 60.5 31529
Pioneer P0843AM 211 141 176 18.5 2.3 61.7 30607
Seed Consultants SC1071AM 253* 146 199 18.4 0 62.6 30054
Seedway SW 6540GENVT2P 202 - - 17.9 1.8 61.8 32082
Trial Mean 220 136   17.6 0.7 61.4 30288
Probability > F 0.0001 -   <0.0001 0.7550 0.0003 0.0472
LSD₀.₁ 18 -   0.5 NS⁵ 1.1 2258
CV% 9.0 -   4.7 234 2.0 6.4

¹1See Table 5 for trait designations for early season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (in red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          
Augusta A1961 243 - - 18.2 0 58.5 32635
Augusta A2362 241 - - 19.6 0 58.2 30792
Dekalb DKC59-82RIB 239 165 202 18.2 1.7 59.4 30607
Dekalb DKC61-41RIB 238 158 198 18.1 0 57.0 30976
Dekalb DKC62-53RIB 243 149 196 18.5 0 60.6 30423
Dekalb DKC62-70RIB 254 - - 20.0 0 63.4 29870
Dekalb DKC62-89RIB 222 - - 19.5 0 58.9 32083
FS FS 6017V RIB 252 - - 18.3 0 60.0 57288
FS FS 6202V RIB 233 - - 18.1 0 61.1 30238
Hubner H09G056 240 158 199 18.3 0 60.5 30976
Hubner H4321RC2P 240 149 194 18.3 1.3 57.1 29501
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8091 236 159 197 19.0 1.7 59.3 32267
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8110 266 - - 19.2 0 60.9 30054
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8119 243 - - 18.6 0 61.1 31529
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8128 239 - - 18.6 0 60.2 30607
MorCorn MC 3952 235 147 191 18.4 0 59.9 31160
MorCorn MC 4255 228 144 186 18.9 0 60.5 31898
Pioneer P1077AM 240 - - 18.9 0 60.9 31529
Seed Consultants SC1092AM 241 - - 18.7 0 60.3 30423
Seed Consultants SC1112AM 250 - - 19.0 1.9 61.2 31529
Seed Consultants SC1122Q 223 - - 19.7 0 59.3 30607
Seedway SW 6790GENVT2P 237 - - 18.6 0 58.7 30422
Syngenta NK 1026-5332 226 - - 18.9 0 58.8 32267
Syngenta NK 1082-5222 227 159 193 19.0 0 59.0 29317
Trial Mean 239 154   18.8 0.3 59.8 30794
Probability > F 0.2470 -   <0.0001 0.5837 0.3342 0.3514
LSD₀.₁ NS⁵ -   0.5 NS NS NS
CV% 7.0 -   4.7 234 2.0 6.4

¹1See Table 7 for trait designations for mid-season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (in red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹ Yield (bu/ac)² 2 yr Yield Avg Moisture % Lodging³ % Test weight (lb/bu)² Population
    2021 2022          
Augusta A3363 244 - - 21.0 0 59.3 30423
Dekalb DKC64-65RIB 235 - - 19.9 0 57.9 31345
Dekalb DKC65-84RIB 243 - - 20.4 0 54.4 30238
Dekalb DKC67-44RIB 259* 152 205 20.5 0 61.4 30792
Dekalb DKC67-94RIB 259* - - 21.2 0 64.4 30976
Dekalb DKC70-27RIB 251 138 194 21.9 0 58.1 32082
Dyna-Gro D54VC14 250 148 199 20.0 0 59.4 21529










FS FS 6306T RIB 253 - - 19.1 1.3 62.1 29870
FS FS 6595V RIB 252 - - 20.6 0 59.0 30238
FS FS 65R87VT2P 236 - - 20.5 1.3 60.4 30238
Hubner H13G513 265* - - 20.2 1.1 61.5 32267
Hubner H4663RC2P 248 122 185 19.7 1.4 59.6 29685
Hubner H4744RC2P 232 139 185 20.8 0 59.6 30792
Hubner H4763RC2P 246 139 192 20.6 0 60.0 29132
Hubner H4828RC2P 247 146 196 20.8 0 60.9 28948
Hubner H4890RC2P 238 - - 21.2 0 62.1 32082
Local Seed Co LC1307 TCRIB 254* - - 19.7 0 57.2 31345
Local Seed Co LC1407 VT2PRIB 247 - - 19.7 0 58.7 30607
Local Seed Co LC1506 VT2PRIB 221 - - 19.6 1.7 61.6 31160
Local Seed Co LC1616 TCRIB 242 - - 21.4 1.9 59.5 30976
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5155 245 - - 21.7 3.9 55.7 27841
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5161 255* - - 22.9 0 56.9 28395
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8132 222 - - 20.9 0 59.3 27288
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8141 245 - - 21.4 0 60.9 .0607
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8158 238 - - 20.6 0 61.3 33557
MorCorn MC 4311 252 - - 19.9 0.6 59.0 30976
MorCorn MC 4319 252 125 188 20.8 0 61.0 28948
Pioneer P1587Q 249 - - 20.7 0 61.5 21713
Seed Consultants SC1158AM 262* 128 195 20.2 0 62.4 30792
Seedway SW 1579VT 255* - - 21.2 0 58.0 31345
Syngenta NK 1677-3110 226 - - 20.8 0 56.1 30792
Syngenta NK 1748-3110 241 137 189 20.7 1.9 58.5 30146
Trial Mean 247 137   20.6 0.4 59.7 30570
Probability > F 0.2470 -   <0.0001 0.0912 0.2923 0.3047
LSD₀.₁ NS⁵ -   0.7 NS⁵ NS NS
CV% 7.0 -   4.4 303 5.9 7.1

¹1See Table 7 for trait designations for full season hybrids.
²Yields and test weights are reported at 15% moisture content.
³Lodging is recorded as percentage of plants that are broken below the ear and/or leaning 45° or greater.
⁴Hybrids in bold are checks.
NS indicates that no statistically significant difference was observed for this characteristic.
*Hybrids with an asterisk next to yield are not statistically different (Probability > F ≤ 0.1) compared to the top yielding hybrid (in red text) at this location.

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹                                                 Relative Yield
    Avg. 5 Sites Wye Poplar Hill Salisbury Clarksville Keedysville
Dekalb DKC55-85RIB 97 107 96 99 100 84
Dekalb DKC56-15RIB 98 94 109 100 95 92
Dekalb DKC56-65RIB 97 97 98 97 100 91
Dekalb DKC58-64RIB 100 96 101 99 104 99
Hubner H05G716 96 98 97 99 96 89









Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8039 95 100 96 103 92 84
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8042 98 95 99 96 93 108
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8056 92 98 87 90 92 95
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8064 107 107 99 98 111 118

Mid-Atlantic Seeds
















Seed Consultants








Seedway SW 6540GENVT2P 94 103 102 101 92 74
Trial Mean 217 203 231 249 220 184

¹Hybrids in bold italic are checks included with funding from Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board

Hybrids in Red have relative yield ratings of 100 or greater at all sites

Hybrid in black extra bold have relative yield ratings of 100 or greater at four testing sites

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹                                                 Relative Yield
    Avg. 5 Sites Wye Poplar Hill Salisbury Clarksville Keedysville









Augusta A2362 98 98 94 99 101 100

















Dekalb DKC62-53RIB 97 96 94 96 102 98









Dekalb DKC62-89RIB 99 102 100 100 93 98
FS FS 6017V RIB 103 106 98 - 105 101


FS 6202V RIB







Hubner H09G056 104 106 106 104 100 104
Hubner H4321RC2P 99 97 98 99 100 100
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8091 99 98 100 102 99 98

Mid-Atlantic Seeds








Mid-Atlantic Seeds








Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8128 99 97 100 91 100 104
MorCorn MC 3952 99 106 98 96 98 98
MorCorn MC 4255 100 99 103 104 95 97
Pioneer P1077AM 95 94 93 97 100 91
Seed Consultants SC1092AM 96 94 93 95 101 96

Seed Consultants








Seed Consultants SC1122Q 100 100 103 99 93 102
Seedway SW 6790GENVT2P 99 100 96 101 99 100
Syngenta NK 1026-5332 94 96 96 90 95 95
Syngenta NK 1082-5222 94 90 93 91 95 97
Trial Mean (bu/ac) 238 223 242 263 239 222

¹Hybrids in bold Italic are checks included with funding from Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board

Hybrids in Red have relative yield ratings of 100 or greater at all sites

Hybrid in black extra bold have relative yield ratings of 100 or greater at four testing sites

Brand/Company Hybrid Name¹                                                 Relative Yield
    Avg. 5 Sites Wye Poplar Hill Salisbury Clarksville Keedysville
Augusta A3363 103 106 104 108 99 98
Dekalb DKC64-65RIB 100 102 107 102 95 96
Dekalb DKC65-84RIB 99 97 97 101 98 100










































FS 6306T RIB








FS 6595V RIB







FS FS 65R87VT2P 100 99 103 101 96 100









Hubner H46663RC2P 99 104 100 99 100 93
Hubner H4744RC2P 98 97 103 102 94 95
Hubner H4763RC2P 101 102 96 99 100 109
Hubner H4828RC2P 102 105 104 106 100 96
Hubner H4890RC2P 96 101 88 95 96 102
Local Seed Co LC1307 TCRIB 100 97 98 104 103 100
Local Seed Co LC1407 VT2PRIB 100 107 102 94 100 97
Local Seed Co LC1506 VT2PRIB 96 102 94 98 89 95
Local Seed Co LC1616 TCRIB 100 97 103 102 98 100
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5155 96 98 98 95 99 90
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA5161 92 91 83 82 103 100
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8132 87 99 78 75 90 91
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8141 102 102 99 103 99 108
Mid-Atlantic Seeds MA8158 96 99 95 97 96 93


MC 4311







MorCorn MC 4319 101 104 99 99 102 100









Seed Consultants SC1158AM 101 97 104 95 106 101


SW 1579VT







Syngenta NK 1677-3110 94 86 103 95 92 92
Syngenta NK 1748-3110 98 92 107 100 97 92
Trial Mean (bu/ac) 244 227 243 266 247 236

¹Hybrids in bold Italic are checks included with funding from Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board

Hybrids in Red have relative yield ratings of 100 or greater at all sites

Hybrid in black extra bold have relative yield ratings of 100 or greater at four testing sites

 This report appears in the November 2021, Volume 12, Issue 8, Agronomy news.

Agronomy News, November 2021, Vol. 12, Issue 8

Agronomy News is a statewide newsletter for farmers, consultants, researchers, and educators interested in grain and row crop forage production systems. This newsletter is published once a month during the growing season and will include topics pertinent to agronomic crop production. Subscribers will receive an email with the latest edition.
