The idea of a “Bucket List” is not new.  A “Bucket List” is simply a list of short and long term goals you’d like to accomplish in a certain amount of time. This great idea has caught on and taken on new life as a tool to motivate the whole family toward better health.  The simple act of recording goals is the first step toward achieving them.   


Making a “Healthy Bucket List” can help to set clear goals as the family heads into the heat of the summer. As you set goals with children around the concepts of healthy living, remember healthy living involves more than just eating and exercise.  Staying healthy means opportunities to connect with our friends and family, experiences to laugh and learn together, and times to reach out and help others in acts of service and kindness.  Follow these tips to create a list your family will never forget.



Set aside a special time to introduce the “Healthy Bucket List” concept to your family.  Discuss the purpose of a “Bucket List”  as a way to have new experiences, stay healthy, and grow closer to each other.  Have a large sheet of paper on hand and do a “Healthy Bucket List Brain Dump” as the ideas begin to flow.  A Brain Dump is a time to share any and all ideas!  No ideas are too outrageous for the brain dump!  Let everyone write on the paper as you share ideas big and small.  



Once you have your brain dump complete, it’s time to organize your ideas.  Use different color markers to put things into categories.  For example, circle the simply silly ideas in red.  You’ll also have ideas that are easy to achieve and some that will take extra time, money, and preparation.  Use a different color for each category.  



Now it’s time to write up your official list. It might be fun to make a big poster to put on the refrigerator or in the family room where everyone can see it and the family can use it throughout the summer.  A great tip for organizing your ideas is to make a list for each month of the summer.  Include 5 items that you are fairly certain you’ll be able to accomplish in that time period.  Remember, some of the fun of a “Bucket List” is crossing the item off the list after it is accomplished, so don’t overwhelm yourself with too many big ideas!  



Start to plan your “Healthy Bucket List” family meeting before the end of the school year.  Give everyone in your family a head’s up so they can be thinking about what they’d like to include.  Make sure to include everyone’s ideas on your list, and set realistic goals with a list for each of the summer months.  Remember, life is short!  Make time for a “Bucket List” and enjoy your kids before they grow up!



Here are a few ideas to get you started!

  1. Visit a farmers market together.  
  2. Take a trip to a pick your own farm 
  3. Make a new recipe together as a family
  4. Try a new fruit or vegetable that is in season
  5. Visit a local park that you have never been to 
  6. Try a new sport or activity that you have never played before


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This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP in cooperation with Maryland’s Department of Human Services and University of Maryland Extension. University programs, activities, and facilities are available to all without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, religion, protected veteran status, genetic information, personal appearance, or any other legally protected class.