
Areas of Interest
Showing 41-50 of 376 publications
Updated: December 21, 2023

4-H ACTS Youth Delegate Guidebook (EM-2023-0657)

The Youth Delegate Guidebook is a manual assisting youth and volunteers in developing civic engagement skills through a statewide event (like Maryland ACTS), and club or individual experiences that include learning about state government, meeting representatives, and follow-up activities. Authors: Gretchen Sumbrum, Elizabeth Hill, and Christopher Anderson; Title: 4-H ACTS (Annapolis, Civics, Thriving, Service) Youth Delegate Guidebook (EM-2023-0657)
Updated: November 3, 2023

Does Your Health Insurance Plan Cover Nutrition Counseling? (FS-2023-0677)

Working with a nutrition professional can be a great way to maintain or improve your health. However, it can be confusing to decide who you want to see and determine how to pay for these visits. This factsheet will help you: (1) identify reasons you might want to work with a nutrition professional., (2) understand the different types of nutrition professionals about their credentials, educational backgrounds, and areas of expertise. (3) learn how to determine whether your health insurance covers visits with a nutrition professional and the potential costs of accessing these services. This information can help you access the professionals you need to support your health and wellness while keeping your out-of-pocket costs as low as possible. Authors: Alvin Douglas, Catherine Sorenson, and Dr. Shauna Henley; Title: Does Your Health Insurance Plan Cover Nutrition Counseling? (FS-2023-0677)
Updated: November 20, 2023

Legalized Recreational Marijuana Use in Maryland (FS-2023-0670)

This publication provides an overview of marijuana (cannabis) and its effects on the body and overall health. The article also discusses contamination issues and provides resources for further research. Authors: Nili Lang, Emma Kniola, and Alexander Chan; Title: Legalized Recreational Marijuana Use in Maryland (FS-2023-0670)
Updated: January 3, 2025

Maryland Shellfish Aquaculture Industry-2021 at a Glance (FS-2023-0672)

After facing a number of challenges in 2018-2020, the shellfish aquaculture industry in Maryland rebounded in 2021 with a record harvest for oyster aquaculture and the first reported farm-raised bay scallop harvest. The number of leases and acres leased for shellfish aquaculture remained largely consistent with 2020, but oyster harvest increased to a record high of over ninety thousand bushels and a dockside value of over $6 million (Maryland Department of Natural Resources, 2022). Authors: Shannon Hood, Matthew Parker, Cathy Liu, Fredrika Moser, Allen Pattillo, and Donald Webster; Title: Maryland Shellfish Aquaculture Industry: 2021 at a Glance (FS-2023-0672)
Updated: September 5, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions for Value-Added Producers (EBR-2022-0635)

This publication summarizes frequently asked questions and answers for the cottage food producers and on-farm home processors. It includes definitions of common terms as well as guidance and recommendations surrounding manufacturing, processing, packaging, labeling, and selling of foods or food products produced by the Maryland cottage food businesses and on-farm food processors. Authors: Angela Ferelli-Gruber, Neith Little, and Shauna Henley; Title: Frequently Asked Questions for Value-Added Producers (EBR-2022-0635)
Updated: October 21, 2024

Turfgrass Diseases-Dollar Spot (FS-2023-0665)

Dollar spot is a common fungal disease that affects turfgrass, particularly high-maintenance ones like golf courses. It can also damage athletic fields and home lawns. The disease is caused by several species of the fungal pathogen Clarireedia spp. which infects the turfgrass through leaf tissue. Dollar spot appears as circular or oblong discolored spots, about the size of a silver dollar, with brownish-tan color. It can affect various turfgrass species, with creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass being highly susceptible, while tall fescues, perennial ryegrasses, and Kentucky bluegrasses are moderately susceptible. Zoysiagrass and bermudagrass are less susceptible but can still be damaged under favorable conditions. The disease thrives in temperatures between 60°F and 85°F (15°C and 30°C) with high humidity and prolonged leaf wetness. Effective management includes using resistant cultivars, proper irrigation, fertility management, mowing practices, rolling, topdressing, and dew removal, as well as biological and chemical control methods. Fungicides are commonly used, but they should be rotated to prevent resistance development. Integrating these practices helps prevent and reduce the severity of dollar spot outbreaks on turfgrass. Author: Fereshteh Shahoveisi; Title: Turfgrass Diseases: Dollar Spot (FS-2023-0665)
Updated: July 25, 2023

What Happens after Phragmites is Killed? Year 2 (EBR-2023-0652)

In the second year of the project, researchers returned to the same field and mesocosm sites to evaluate the results of planting native species after Phragmites eradication. The results have led to several preliminary implications for restoration. Authors: Eric Buehl, Andrew Baldwin, Hope Brooks, Sylvia Jacobson, Karin Kettenring, Melissa McCormick, and Dennis Whigham; Title: What Happens after Phragmites is Killed? Year 2 (EBR-2023-0652)
Updated: September 20, 2024

University of Maryland Extension (UME) 4-H Needs Assessment Tool Kit Overview (FS-2022-0636)

Extension educators are tasked with providing programs that meet the needs of their respective communities. One way to measure the current community assets and opportunities for growth is through needs assessments. A needs assessment is a tool that measures the interests and identifies gaps in current program offerings. It can also be used to check the status of ongoing programming in a community. The 4-H Needs Assessment Tool Kit is an extension manual that gives insight into using the materials and offers templates that can be adapted for various stakeholder groups. The documents contained in the Tool Kit have been tested in rural, urban, and suburban communities. Authors: Vernelle Mitchell-Hawkins, Ashley Travis, and Rachael Bayer; Title: University of Maryland Extension (UME) 4-H Needs Assessment Tool Kit Overview (FS-2022-0636)
Updated: November 5, 2024

A Guide for Identifying Pigweed Species Commonly Found in Maryland (EB-2023-0654)

This hand-held guide provides information on how to identify and differentiate common pigweed species in Maryland including: Palmer amaranth, Spiny amaranth, waterhemp, and redroot/smooth pigweed. Authors: Kurt Vollmer and Ben Beale; Title: A Guide for Identifying Pigweed Species Commonly Found in Maryland (EB-2023-0654)
Updated: June 24, 2024

Working on Solar Design and System Sizing (FS-2023-0655)

This factsheet will help you estimate the size and number of solar panels needed to meet your electrical demand. Review this factsheet to learn how to assess your electrical loads, identify solar energy levels, and correlate your electrical demand to solar production. Author: Drew Schiavone, Ph.D.; Title: Working on Solar Design and System Sizing (FS-2023-0655)