Showing 31-40 of 376 publications
Updated: April 2, 2024
Better Bone Health for Older Adults (FS-2023-0669)
Bones are integral to our health. The earlier you start caring for your bone health, the better your bones will respond to, irrespective of the age progression. In this publication, you will learn about age-related changes and bone diseases, health guidance on preventing such conditions, and risk factors associated with bone health issues. This factsheet also discusses tools of communication with your healthcare professional that can help you optimize your bone health. Authors: Dhruti Patel, Cheryl Bush, and Mona Habibi; Title: Better Bone Health for Older Adults (FS-2023-0669)
Updated: February 6, 2024
Pet Insurance: The Basics for Extension Educators (FS-2023-0679)
This factsheet will help extension educators understand pet insurance and how pet insurance policies can be set up. It also provides suggestions for how extension educators can teach consumers to review and better understand policies before enrolling in a pet insurance plan. Author: Catherine Sorenson; Pet Insurance: The Basics for Extension Educators (FS-2023-0679).
Updated: January 3, 2025
Maryland Shellfish Aquaculture Industry: 2022 at a Glance (FS-2023-0702)
The Maryland oyster aquaculture industry reported a record harvest of 94,257 bushels in 2022, an increase of 4.5% from the previous record in 2021. Bay scallop harvest also increased by 39.9% compared to 2021. (The number and value of bay scallops harvested is not reported to maintain business privacy since there are fewer than three growers in the state.) The average price of single oysters dropped slightly while the average price for oysters sold as bushels increased. The estimated dockside value of the oyster aquaculture industry in Maryland for 2022 was $7,296,543. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources received 17 new aquaculture lease applications and issued 18 new leases in 2022. Authors: Matthew Parker, Donald Webster, and Rebecca Thur; Title: Maryland Shellfish Aquaculture Industry-2022 at a Glance (FS-2023-0702).
Updated: December 21, 2023
Start Growing Thornless Blackberries: How to Prepare and Select Cultivars for the Mid-Atlantic (FS-2023-0660)
A comprehensive guide for cultivating thornless blackberries in the Mid-Atlantic region, covering site selection, soil conditions, trellising, planting, pruning, and recommended cultivars for optimal growth. Essential tips are provided for both home growers and farmers. Author: Haley Sater; Title: Start Growing Thornless Blackberries: How to Prepare and Select Cultivars for the Mid-Atlantic" (FS-2023-0660).
Updated: January 3, 2024
Leadership and Conflict on the Farm (FS-2023-0671)
People with leadership roles in agricultural operations have the opportunity to benefit from good conflict management processes. When people are passionate about what they are doing, differing opinions on how to do something will arise, making conflict an inevitable part of any worthwhile endeavor (Bennett, 2023). While you probably can't eliminate all disagreements, developing your conflict management skills can increase efficiency and improve employee retention. This fact sheet will provide you with actionable skills to take back to your team. Authors: Taylor Kinniburgh and Neith Little; Leadership and Conflict on the Farm (FS-2023-0671)
Updated: March 21, 2024
Important Apple Cultivars in the Mid-Atlantic Region (EB-2023-0684)
Choosing the right apple cultivar is crucial when establishing an apple orchard; being well-informed and carefully selecting cultivars that align with your specific requirements and thrive in your environmental conditions are essential for your orchard's success. Authors: Md Shipon Miah and Macarena Farcuh; Title: Important Apple Cultivars in the Mid-Atlantic Region (EB-2023-0684).
Updated: January 17, 2024
15 Ways to Address Nature-Deficit Disorder Anywhere, Anytime (EBR-2023-0664)
Nature is a powerful tool in the healthy development of children. This extension brief provides quick, easy, accessible suggestions on how to access nature with young children. We hope you enjoy your time outdoors Author: Amy Lang; Title: 15 Ways to Address Nature-Deficit Disorder Anywhere, Anytime (EBR-2023-0664)
Updated: December 8, 2023
Is Pet Insurance Right for Me? (FS-2023-0678)
Pets are an important part of our lives but can also be expensive. Pet insurance is one tool for managing the costs of pet ownership. But, pet insurance can be confusing, and pet insurance policies can differ from company to company. This fact sheet will help you understand important pet insurance concepts like:
• The different types of policies
• What pet insurance does and does not cover, and
• The ways in which specific factors about your pet will affect the cost of insurance
The fact sheet also includes a chart that can help you compare insurance policies to find which policies, if any, are a good fit for your needs. The chart includes a variety of key questions you should ask when considering signing up for pet insurance. So, if you are curious about pet insurance and looking for more information, this fact sheet is a great place to start. Author: Catherine Sorenson; Title: Is Pet Insurance Right For Me? (FS-2023-0678).
Updated: November 26, 2023
A Beginner’s Guide to Birding & Citizen Science (WB-2022-0643)
The Beginner’s Guide to Birding & Citizen Science is a self-paced, online class with seven modules that provide participants with information and tools for youth interested in birding. Each lesson provides an interactive presentation, a class discussion, and additional resources. Author: Torrey Silliman; Title: A Beginner’s Guide to Birding & Citizen Science (WB-2022-0643)
Updated: January 31, 2024
Working on Solar Wiring and Fusing (EB-2023-0676)
This publication explores some of the essential considerations for wiring a solar PV system, including important requirements for voltage, ampacity, voltage drop, and circuit length. Safely size wires and overcurrent protection devices for proper system design. Author: Drew Schiavone, Ph.D., Title: "Working on Solar Wiring and Fusing" (EB-2023-0676)