Showing 21-30 of 376 publications
Updated: October 31, 2024
Using Thermochemical Processes to Handle Agricultural Waste (FS-2023-0688)
Thermochemical processing technologies can be used to reduce the volume of low moisture waste and produce heat, syngas for renewable energy production, biochar, or bio-oil, depending on the temperature and oxygen conditions used in processing. This Factsheet is part of the “Animal Waste Technology” series. Authors: Amro Hassanein, Stephanie Lansing, and Danielle Delp; Title: Using Thermochemical Processes to Handle Agricultural Waste (FS-2023-0688).
Updated: April 15, 2024
Introduction to Growing Cover Crops in the Mid-Atlantic (FS-2023-0692)
Cover crops are crops planted for a primary purpose other than harvest. They are often grown during the time when the primary or harvested crop is not growing. Cover crops can be grown for a variety of agronomic and environmental purposes. However, the effect of cover crops on subsequent cash crops and the environment will vary depending on how intentionally and effectively they are managed to achieve those purposes. Cover crop species and mixtures, timing and growth window, termination, and the effect of cover crops on subsequent crops should all be considered when planning and implementing cover crop systems. Author: Sarah M. Hirsh; Title: Introduction to Growing Cover Crops in the Mid-Atlantic (FS-2023-0692).
Updated: October 31, 2024
Anaerobic Digestion (EBR-2023-0686)
Anerobic digestion uses natural microorganisms to produce renewable energy in the form of electricity, heating, or vehicle fuel. Anaerobic digestion occurs inside a sealed reactor called a digester and reduces odors and greenhouse gas emissions. This Fact Sheet is part of the ‘Animal Waste Technology’ series. Authors: Amro Hassanein, Stephanie Lansing, and Danielle Delp; Title: Anaerobic Digestion (EBR-2023-0686).
Updated: April 9, 2024
Keep Your Gut Healthy-A Quick Good Gut Health Guide for Older Adults (FS-2023-0668)
The digestive system naturally changes with age progression. These functional changes impact digestion-related organs such as the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines. These can also lead to and/or contribute to some digestive disorders and chronic diseases. This publication explains these age-related physiological changes and strategies for maintaining good gut health. Author's: Mona Habibi, Dhruti Patel, and Cheryl Bush; Title: Keep Your Gut Healthy: A Quick Good Gut Health Guide for Older Adults (FS-2023-0668).
Updated: May 16, 2024
Soil Fertility Recommendations-Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Requirements of Miscanthus (EB-443)
Miscanthus x giganteus (miscanthus) is an emerging bioenergy crop with growing interest in Maryland as an alternative poultry bedding material. This extension bulletin outlines the development of soil fertility recommendations based on the review of current literature for miscanthus production in Maryland. Author's: Brian Kalmbach, Gurpal Toor, and David Ruppert. Title: Soil Fertility Recommendations-Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Requirements of Miscanthus (EB-443).
Updated: October 31, 2024
Environmental Justice in Agricultural Waste Management (EBR-2023-0690)
This fact sheet introduces environmental justice and describes how vulnerable communities, including racial and ethnic minorities, are impacted by the introduction of new waste management technology across Maryland's Eastern Shore. Author's: Eric Burnstein, Mimi Sanford, Priscilla Alves, Higor Costa, and Marccus Hendricks; Title: Environmental Justice in Agricultural Waste Management (EBR-2023-0690).
Updated: May 3, 2024
Watershed Stewards Academy Curriculum (EC-2020-0518)
The Watershed Stewards Academy (WSA) uses a train-the-trainer approach to instruct and manage a diverse group of Steward volunteer. The goal of the program is to develop Stewards conversant in watershed issues, who provide localized community outreach and assist with the implementation of best management practices focused on stormwater and improving local water quality.The Watershed Stewards Academy Curriculum is a 13-module curriculum, comprised of numerous lessons and activities, that provides participants the basic tools and information for those interested in stormwater management. Each module is approximately 2-3 hours long. This may vary based on local program goals and objectives. Authors: Kelsey Brooks, Eric Buehl, Jennifer Dindinger, Amanda Rockler, and Jackie Takacs; Key Contributors:Suzanne Etgen, Kate McClure, and Taryn Sudol; Title: Watershed Stewards Academy Curriculum (EC-2020-0518)
Updated: October 23, 2024
Strawberry Sap Beetle Management in Maryland Strawberry Production (FS-2023-0656)
Strawberry sap beetles cause direct feeding damage to strawberry fruit, with diversified and pick-your-own operations at highest risk. Cultural controls that reduce accumulation of overripe fruit effectively reduce damage. Well-chosen insecticide applications also contribute to successful management. Authors: Sankara Ganesh, Maria Cramer, and Kelly Hamby; Title: Strawberry Sap Beetle Management in Maryland Strawberry Production (FS-2023-0656)
Updated: March 20, 2024
Controlling Bitter Pit in Apples: Best Practices for Growers (FS-2023-0701)
Bitter pit is a physiological disorder in apples that negatively impacts its marketability. It is linked to a calcium imbalance in fruit cells. A multifaceted approach—monitoring and balancing factors like plant nutrition, vigor, and chilling injury susceptibility—is key to avoiding the disorder. Authors: Talia Tracton and Macarena Farcuh; Title: Controlling Bitter Pit in Apples: Best Practices for Growers (FS-2023-0701).
Updated: March 25, 2024
Age-Related Eye Health Issues and How to Manage Them (FS-2023-0667)
In this publication, we learn about vision changes that occur due to aging. These changes are slow and often go unnoticed. Learning about these vision-related changes, signs of major eye health issues, and making healthful choices can help prevent and delay vision issues. With age, we start to experience glare issues, a reduction or increase in tear production, a need for brighter lights, presbyopia, and changes in color perception. Work with general healthcare providers, including eye healthcare providers, about your risk of age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. However, lifestyle changes such as staying active, wearing sunglasses, and nutrition, can help keep your vision healthy. Authors: Dhruti Patel, Mona Habibi, and Cheryl Bush; Title: Eye Health Issues and How to Manage Them (FS-2023-0667)