As populations of aquatic plants, shellfish, and finfish decline in the Chesapeake Bay, aquaculture plays a significant role both in food production and in ecosystem restoration. Aquaculture research, education, innovation, and restoration efforts are helping to reconstruct troubled fisheries and replenish habitats, such as oyster reefs.
The Oyster Odyssey of Chesapeake
Don Webster, Regional Extension Specialist & Principal Agent, is featured on this discussion and provides a historical perspective on oyster cultivation and the challenges overcome to revive the industry, including disease resistance and modern aquaculture techniques.
My Farm is Underwater!
Don Webster, Regional Extension Specialist & Principal Agent, presented this at the University of Maryland's 2023 Harvest Breakfast event on December 1, 2023.

Maryland Shellfish Aquaculture Industry: 2023 At A Glance
Check out this report to get a glimpse into the Maryland oyster aquaculture industry using data from 2023. The report shows an overview of production methods, leasing, and factors that affect annual oyster harvests in Maryland aquaculture operations. This report is authored by Mathew Parker, Donald Webster, and Rebecca Thur.

Maryland Oyster Aquaculture Industry Summary
Take a look at this interactive dashboard that summarizes the data that Extension Agent Matt Parker has been collecting on oyster aquaculture in Maryland.
Aquaculture Education Video Series: Remote Setting
Check out the first part of our educational video series covering aquaculture techniques. In this video Shannon Hood, Oyster Aquaculture Extension Specialist, teaches you how to install, operate, and maintain a remote setting system for the purpose of producing spat on shell for submerged land leases.
Watch the full video series on remote setting here.

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