June 2023 | Volume 14, Issue 4

Sunburn in apples: Why does it occur and how can it be prevented?
By Macarena Farcuh
What is sunburn and why does it occur? Sunburn on apples is an irreversible damage that occurs to the fruit (Fig. 1). Apples are susceptible to sunburn from...Read more about Sunburn in apples.
By Jerry Brust, UME
In high tunnels and in the field, I have seen spinach and beet leaf miners Pegomya hyoscyami and P. betae respectively in swiss chard and spinach. These leafminers are a type...Read more about Beet and Spinach leafminers.

By Jerry Brust, UME
A disease of tomato that we usually only see occasionally has been observed more frequently this year in several high tunnels in Maryland. The disease is bacterial canker caused...Read more about Bacterial Canker of Tomato
Editor’s note: Starting August 31, 2023, the Maryland Department of Agriculture will no
longer be funding Nutrient Management Plan writers through the University of Maryland. Funding
will be shifted from contractual UMD staff to cost-share programs. MDA’S Nutrient Management
Summer newsletter will be available in June and will outline full details of the new program.
Additionally, the Maryland Department of Agriculture will be holding a summit on this topic on July
17th, in Annapolis.

Spinach crops found with cucumber mosaic virus
By Jerry Brust, UME and Karen Rane, University of Maryland Plant Diagnostic Lab
Spinach crops this season have had a tough time of it with red legged winter mites, spinach crown mites, leaf miner issues and now plants in high tunnels and in the field with cucumber mosaic virus, CMV.
The first symptom of cucumber mosaic virus...Read more about Spinach crops found with cucumber mosaic virus.
Striped cucumber beetles and bacterial wilt
By Jerry Brust, UME
Striped cucumber beetles (Acalymma vittatum) (SCB) are the most important insect pests of muskmelon and cucumbers...Read more about Striped cucumber beetles and bacterial wilt

Upcoming UME Events
Additional events, information and registration link can be found on the University of Maryland Extension Agriculture & Food Systems website. https://extension.umd.edu/programs/agriculture-food-systems/meetings-and-events
- Wednesday Women in Ag Webinars: Creating a Farm Lease Agreement. June 14. Noon- 1 pm. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2023-wednesday-webinars-tickets-466528528387
- 2023 Eastern Shore Weed Management Twilight. Wednesday, June 28th, 2023. 4pm -6pm. Wye Research and Edu-cation Center. (211 Farm Lane, Queenstown, MD 21658). Free. This event will be the third stop on the Delmarva Weed Tour and will include tours of corn and soybean herbicide research trials, in-tegrated weed management projects for watermelon and hemp production, and tours of demonstration plots for organic weed management in corn and soybean. Dinner will be served at 6:00pm. Pesticide credits will be available for MD and DE. https://go.umd.edu/weedmanagementtwilight
UME Fruit Program Resources
Spray Program for Multi-Tree Fruit Orchards
Spray Program for Multi-Small Fruit Plantings
Common Fruit Herbicides
Vegetable & Fruit News, June 2023, Volume 14, Issue 4 (pdf)
Vegetable & Fruit News is a research-based publication for the commercial vegetable and fruit industry available electronically from April through October. Published by the University of Maryland Extension Agriculture and Food Systems team.
Subscribe to Fruit and Vegetable News
Emily Zobel
University of Maryland Extension Agent - Dorchester County
501 Court Lane, Room 208
Cambridge, MD 21613
Phone: (410) 410-228-8800
Email: ezobel@umd.edu
Note: Registered Trade Mark® Products, Manufacturers, or Companies mentioned within this newsletter are not to be considered as sole endorsements. The information has been provided for educational purposes only.