April 2023 | Volume 14, Issue 2

Managing Apple Growing Conditions to Prevent Fruit Cracking
By Ria Goswami Candidate for B.S. in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics & Macarena Farcuh, Ph.D. Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist
What is the apple fruit cracking phenomenon?
Fruit cracking is a phenomenon that strongly limits fruit quality and yields, decreasing fruit marketability and grower profitability. Fruit cracking starts with microcracks...Read more about Managing Apple Growing Conditions to Prevent Fruit Cracking.
Seed Maggots Very Active in Early Planted Vegetables
Jerry Brust, UME IPM Vegetable Specialist
The warmer than usual February and the cooler weather we have been having the last 3-4 weeks has created ideal conditions for one of our more problematic early season pests, namely seed maggots. These...Read more about Seed Maggots Very Active in Early Planted Vegetables.

Check for Allium leaf miner in onions and leeks
Jerry Brust, UME
If you grow leeks or onions or other Allium species, you should already be checking for the tell-tale marks left by Allium leaf miner. Allium leaf...Read more about Check for Allium leaf miner in onions and leeks.

2023 Disease Update: Scab and Fire Blight Infections
Kari A. Peter, Ph.D., Penn State, Associate Research Professor, Tree Fruit Pathology
Growers must closely monitor weather conditions this weekend, April 15-16, 2023. The summer temperatures are moving trees fast, and many varieties will most likely be blooming by late week. Rain is in the forecast for Saturday and Sunday. Combined with warm temperatures, this will trigger a significant infection event for both apple scab and fire blight. Trees will need to be protected prior to the weekend to prevent disease.
I am told...Read more about 2023 Disease Update: Scab and Fire Blight Infections.
UMD Extension Welcomes New AgFS Agent in Howard County
Serena Newton, AgFS Marketing and Communications Intern, UME
Agriculture and Food Systems (AgFS) Extension welcomes Nathan Glenn to the team as the new Howard County Agent Associate. Nathan will...Read more about Nathan Glenn

Join the Conversation: The Maryland Climate-Smart Ag Project
Maryland producers know their operations better than anyone. And they also know that changing weather and environmental patterns affect their bottom line.
This project is producer-focused. It brings ag stakeholders (producers, technical service providers, researchers, organizations, and policymakers) together to develop and share science-based strategies and techniques. This will ensure Maryland farms can adapt to changing conditions and remain resilient and profitable for the future. This project is a...Read more about The Maryland Climate-Smart Ag Project.
UME Fruit Program Resources
Spray Program for Multi-Tree Fruit Orchards
Spray Program for Multi-Small Fruit Plantings
Common Fruit Herbicides
Upcoming UME Events
Additional events, information, and registration links are on the University of Maryland Extension Agriculture & Food Systems website.
Event: Women in Ag Wednesday Webinars: Tools and Tips for Creating Maps of Farm Fields.
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 | Location: online | Time: Noon
Register for Tool and Tips for Creating Maps of Farm Fields
Event: Sustainable Food Systems Lecture Series: All Are Fed at the Farm: Workforce Development with the Department of Corrections.
Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 | Location: Online | Time: 6:00-7:00 pm.
Register for Lecture Series: All Are Fed...
Event: Wednesday Water Webinar - Ensuring Safe Water by Well Testing
Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 | Location: Online | Time: Noon
Register for Ensuring Safe Water by Well Testing
Event: Good Agricultural Practices Training (GAP)
Date: Saturday, April 15, 2023 | Location: In Person -Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm, 3811 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD | Time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Register for GAP Training
Vegetable & Fruit News, April 2023, Volume 14, Issue 1 (pdf)
Vegetable & Fruit News is a research-based publication for the commercial vegetable and fruit industry available electronically from April through October. Published by the University of Maryland Extension Agriculture and Food Systems team.
Subscribe to Fruit and Vegetable News
Emily Zobel
University of Maryland Extension Agent - Dorchester County
501 Court Lane, Room 208
Cambridge, MD 21613
Phone: (410) 410-228-8800
Email: ezobel@umd.edu
Note: Registered Trade Mark® Products, Manufacturers, or Companies mentioned within this newsletter are not to be considered as sole endorsements. The information has been provided for educational purposes only.