April 2022 | Volume 13, Issue 1

Check for Allium leaf miner in onions and leeks over the next few weeks
Jerry Brust, University of Maryland Extension, IPM Vegetable Specialist
If you grow leeks or onions or other Allium species, now and for the next few weeks is the time to watch for the tell-tale marks left by Allium leaf miner. Allium leaf miner Phytomyza gymnostoma tell-tale marks consist of many linear small white dots (made by the female’s ovipositor) that appear in...Read More
Edema problem in high tunnel tomatoes
Jerry Brust, University of Maryland Extension, IPM Vegetable Specialist
I recently received an inquiry from a high tunnel grower about unusual symptoms on tomato leaves. The tomatoes were planted in early March, and in the past few weeks developed blisters or callus-like growths along...Read more

Using Plant Growth Regulators to Improve Apple Return Bloom
Pranoy Basu & Macarena Farcuh, Ph.D. Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, University of Maryland, College Park
Return bloom is a crucial factor in maintaining crop yields in apple trees year-to-year, especially in strong biennial bearing cultivars. In apples, the fate of the...Read more

Botryis Fruit Rot (Gray Mold) and Crown Rot in Strawberries
Gordon Johnson, U.Del Extension Vegetable & Fruit Specialist
Strawberry growers in the region should initiate programs to control Botrytis fruit and crown rots in strawberries. Gray mold of strawberry fruit is caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea. This pathogen can also cause crown rots that...Read more
Spring Pest Scouting in Strawberries
Haley Sater, University of Maryland Extension Ag Agent-Wicomico County
With the majority of freezing night time lows behind us, strawberry growers should begin scouting for pests during bloom. Earliglow is already in bloom on the...Read more

FREE Produce Safety Rule Compliance Resources
The Maryland Food Safety Network wants to send you customized resources to help you implement the Produce Safety Rule on your farm. Please complete our Google form and let us know what you need to stay in compliance.
Questions? Contact Sarah Everhart at everhart@law.umaryland.edu or (410) 458-2475
Vegetable & Fruit News, April 2022, Volume 13, Issue 1 (pdf)
Vegetable & Fruit News is a research-based publication for the commercial vegetable and fruit industry available electronically from April through October. Published by the University of Maryland Extension Agriculture and Food Systems team.
Subscribe to Vegetable & Fruit News
Emily Zobel
University of Maryland Extension Agent - Dorchester County
501 Court Lane, Room 208
Cambridge, MD 21613
Phone: (410) 410-228-8800
Email: ezobel@umd.edu
Note: Registered Trade Mark® Products, Manufacturers, or Companies mentioned within this newsletter are not to be considered as sole endorsements. The information has been provided for educational purposes only.