Updated: July 1, 2024

The Maryland Animal Waste Assessment and Strategy Plan was created to guide future Animal Waste Technology Fund (AWTF) awards administered by the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA). The stated goal of the AWTF is “to encourage the development and implementation of economically feasible technologies that help protect public health and the environment by reducing the amount of nutrients from animal waste to enable farmers to meet nutrient management requirements and provide alternative animal waste management strategies to farmers.” This Assessment and Strategy Plan researched and evaluated animal waste and nutrients in animal waste generated in Maryland (by county). The feasibility of animal waste technologies used in Maryland were evaluated, including anaerobic digestion, gasification, pyrolysis, composting, and manure injection. Policy implications, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and economic analyses were documented for animal waste technologies. Interviews, surveys, and focus groups were conducted to gauge understanding and acceptance of the technologies, expected future changes in manure management, and the effect of waste management technologies on surrounding communities through an environmental justice perspective. 

Please see below for the full Animal Waste Technology Assessment and Strategy Plan submitted to MDA and a Summary of the report in English and in Spanish.

Read the Summary Results

Read the Full Report

Review the Appendices

Resumen El Informe Resumido