May 2021 | Edition 1

Editor's Note:
Spring is here and with it endless opportunities to implement a winter’s worth of planning. Many producers, myself included, are wrapping up calving, implementing pre-breeding vaccinations and estrous synchronization programs, turning out stocker calves, making their first cutting of hay, and placing orders for insecticide tags and minerals to help their cattle be as successful as possible in the upcoming hot months. Like the dormant fields of alfalfa in the winter, it has been some time since the University of Maryland Extension put out a state livestock newsletter. But with warm weather and new hires, both entities are entering a new season with goals of high yields.
My goal with the Cattle Tales Livestock Newsletter is to provide science-based production recommendations for the livestock producers of Maryland and beyond. From the basics of animal health to the most intensive of grazing and reproductive management, I hope this newsletter will serve as a catalyst to bring the most innovative of practices to the area, or at the very least, start worthwhile discussions amongst producers and researchers alike. Here at UMD Extension, we love to hear from you, the producers, about the challenges you face. We are here to serve. Please consider subscribing for future newsletters, providing feedback on articles, and letting us know what you’d like to read about in the future.
Happy Trails,
Charlie Sasscer III

Body Condition Score is a Critical Management Tool for Cow-Calf Producers
Sarah Potts, Ph.D., Extension Specialist, Dairy and Beef
Managing the nutritional status of cows is one of the cornerstones for a successful and profitable cow-calf operation. It is important to pay attention to a cow’s nutritional status to ensure that she... Read more>>
Determining your Pasture Stocking Rate
Ronald David Myers, Extension Educator, Anne Arundel County
How many animals will my pasture support? This is a common question, especially for the first time livestock producer. Unfortunately, it is a complex and often difficult question to be answered. The first step should... Read more>>

Getting your Herd Ready for the Breeding Season
Racheal Slattery, Department of Animal and Avian Sciences, University of Maryland
In Maryland, May and June are the ideal breeding season for spring calving herds –pastures are looking good and the high heat and humidity of the summers here hasn’t hit yet, making for lower stress cattle handling. With each breeding season, it’s important to... Read more>>
Considerations for Improving Hay Quality
Amanda Grev, Ph.D., Extension Specialist, Pasture and Forages
With a new growing season comes new opportunities, one of which is the opportunity to do a better job with making hay. With spring being a busy time of year, hay-making is... Read more>>

Culling considerations for beef cow-calf herd
Jeff Semler, Extension Educator, Washington County
Culling decisions are a routine part of beef cow-calf herd management. It should be a constant process during all phases of the production cycle. So as you observe your...Read More>>
When should I deworm my sheep/goats?
Susan Schoenian, Extension Specialist, Sheep and Goats
When they need it. No longer is it recommended that sheep/goats be dewormed preventively or based on the calendar. Nor is it recommended that all animals in a group be dewormed at the same time. These approaches have caused... Read more>>

Controlling Flies and Ticks in Your Livestock
Racheal Slattery, Department of Animal and Avian Sciences and Megan Fritz,Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Entomology
Fly and tick season is here, unfortunately. But there are management methods, both chemical and environmental, that will help you better control both the fly and tick populations that are going to try and wreak havoc with your livestock. Generally, in a pasture-based...Read more>>
Charlie Sasscer III, Agriculture Marketing Educator, Prince George’s County
Everyone loves a good return on their investment, though some old farmers might crack that you shouldn’t be in the cattle business for that. But for those of us cow/calf producers who are just too hooked on raising nature’s most perfect bioreactors, there are countless technologies available for...Read more>>

Cattle Tales Livestock is a quarterly newsletter published by the University of Maryland Extension that focuses on bringing timely, relevant information to Maryland's livestock producers. To view previous editions click here...
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